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by on October 14, 2021

Those 33 international players hail from NBA 2K22 MT nine countries, including Australia, Canada, China, France, Germany, Singapore, Spain, Turkey, as well as the U.K., while the 10 women earned their eligibility through various methods.

The official 2K League website has a complete list of draft-eligible player. You can also find out more about the classes of talent via the Draft Hopefuls series. Through a series of offseason assessment events teams have had the chance to see these players in action.

Brendan Donohue, 2K League President, stated that the offseason review process was one of the most comprehensive we've had. The process included 38 tournaments run by teams as part of the NBA 2K League Draft Prospect Series. There were three international qualifying events and an overhauled Women in Gaming initiative. The 2K League's very first combine solely for athletes who are draft eligible. We're looking forward for an exciting evening of the draft with our teams adding 63 top 2K players around the world to prepare for our fourth season.

The 2021 Draft will last for four rounds and all 23 teams filled in the gaps in Buy MT 2K22 their roster of six players. There are currently 63 spots open in the 2K League, and the draft order has been finalized.

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