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David Lin
by on October 29, 2021

  Silas Darkmoon has organized the Darkmoon Faire, or the Darkmoon Theater Troupe, a vast array of events located in the southern region of Darkmoon Island. The fair is open every Sunday from 3:00 AM realm time. It runs for one week. The island's participants are automatically transferred back to Elwynn Forest/Mulgore by the end of the week.

 Prior to the patch 4.3.0 the Darkmoon Faire was located at one of three locations outside Goldshire, Elwynn Forest, Thunder Bluff, Mulgore or in the outskirts of Shattrath City, Outland's Terokkar Forest.

 To be eligible for the Darkmoon Game Prize, which includes a [Darkmoon Prize Ticketand an additional prize, guests are able to complete daily challenges which are connected to every sideshow game. Each game requires a "Darkmoon Game Token] which can be bought from vendors scattered across the fair. Prize tokens and prize tickets are also rewarded for fulfilling once-per-fair quests specific to professions which grant you a +5 level in the profession of your choice. The reward tickets to purchase mounts, pets and other items of vanity along with heirlooms and replica armor to transmogrify. A carousel is also available to increase reputation and gain experience.

 Transportation to and from the Faire

 The Darkmoon Faire celebrates the unusual and the bizarre. Silas Darkmoon gathers exotics from across the globe to bring you the Darkmoon Faire that celebrates the mysteries and wonders of Azeroth. While the fair spends most of its time in unexplored locations but it can be accessed through portals located in Mulgore and Elwynn Forest.

 Darkmoon Island can be reached through the Darkmoon Faire Staging Grounds portal. It is situated near one of the cities that are major.


 The Alliance Darkmoon Faire Stage Grounds are situated in Elwynn Forest, south of the Crossroads of Goldshire which, in turn, is located just across the road from Stormwind.


 Mulgore is located just southwest of Thunder Bluff, and the Darkmoon Faire Staging Grounds are for the Horde. They can be reached via the lift to the west from the city.

 Players can contact the Mystic Mage of the Darkmoon Faire in any city of the world to make a request for the Teleport. They will charge a small cost and will vary based on the level of your character. The Darkmoon Path descends the ridge to Faire south. Mounts are offered to those who aren't able to ride on standard.

 The southernmost tip on the island is the Darkmoon Boardwalk. There is a "Portal Back" located hidden under a tent, and is all players require to get to. The portal will take players back to their respective staging areas located in Elwynn Forest, Mulgore or both, depending on the faction they are in. If you are at the Darkmoon Path and forget something there's a second portal.

 Darkmoon Faire Tickets

 Darkmoon Faire Prize Ticket can be exchanged in money for valuable items during Darkmoon Faire. Earn tickets by completing repeatable quests , or by making animal parts into objects made using Engineering or Leatherworking or Blacksmithing.

 These are able to be sold by anyone regardless of whether you're an engineer, blacksmith or leatherworker. It is not necessary to create these items by your own. Alts can create these items for you or purchase them from the Auction House. The quests that can be repeated don't need you to finish them each day, which means you can complete any number you want throughout the Faire.

 These turn-in quests are NOT profession quests. They may require items you have in your profession, however, you don't receive any benefits for completing them.

 Earn Darkmoon Faire Prize tickets (and Reputation!)

 Tickets can be earned by completing quests and submitting them to NPCs.

 Every quest is classified into one of five levels.

 Each turn-in is rewarded with a set number of tickets , and 100 Darkmoon Faire points.

 There is a minimum requirement that must be fulfilled

 There's a limit when you are unable to return the tier to gain reputation. The quest will be ended completely and you will not be able to return the items.

 There are some differences between Classic and Retail

 The majority of these workers work in Retail however they work for Darkmoon Faire. Yebb Neblegear is the manager of the Petting Zoo, and gives the quest to the profession of Blacksmithing. Kerri Hicks will give the quest to earn 250 Grisly Trophies. Rinling is the manager of the Shooting Gallery, where she gives challenges to Engineering as well as Leatherworking. Chronos manages the quests for professions of Herbalism, Skinning and Jewelcrafting. He recently retired as the manager of the First Aid quests and it leaves one wondering who manages the health care of carnie.

 Spending Darkmoon Faire Tickets

 You can buy 9 items using tickets. The most notable are the Darkmoon Storage Box (50-ticket) and a 14-slot backpack that can be purchased at level 6, and is sadly unique, so you only have the option of purchasing two items with a ticket price of 1200-tickets.

 Tickets for all of these are available at Gelvas Grimegate (Elwynn Forest/way 41.5/68.9/Mulgore/way 37.3/37.7) to obtain the necessary number of tickets. They are only available at a certain level.

 Minor Darkmoon Prize may contain green armor ranging from 20-25 levels, 10 slot bags assorted gems, as well as other things. The lower Darkmoon Prize may contain green armor in the 35-45 range. It could also contain 12 slot bags as well as various gems. The Greater Darkmoon Prize may contain green armor, some recipes, weapons, assorted gems, and a few weapons from the 50-55 range.

 There are some differences between Classic and Retail

 There are more than 200 items at Retail by purchasing tickets. They include heirlooms and transmogs, recipes, pets garrison rolls, recipes, and many other items. There were nine items in Classic. Two of them made it to retail: Darkmoon Storage Box and Darkmoon Flower (which comprise 14 slots in Classic instead of 16 slots in Retail).

 Darkmoon Decks and Cards

 You can gather complete Darkmoon Card decks to earn one of the four precious trinkets. Each requires the level 60 requirement to equip and is distinct. Each cooldown is different.

 The act of turning in decks can earn you 150 reputation in Darkmoon Faire

 It is possible to build decks through the collection of eight cards (Ace through Eight) of each type of card to make a deck. The 2-8 cards that comprise every deck are randomly discarded from the levels 45-60 Undead or Humanoids. These cards aren't soulbound and are able to be sold or traded in the Auction House. The trinkets that have been completed are considered to be soulbound.

 Fun and Games: The Human Cannonball and Tank Battle Simulator

 Fairs aren't complete without games. Darkmoon Faire offers two games that will keep your attention.

 Reminder: in Classic, games do not award prizes. It's just for enjoyment! You can play against your enemies and your friends.

 The Humanoid Cannonball

 Blastenheimer Ultra Cannon 5000 blasts Fairegoers in the air to chase an object! It is possible to hit the target , or you'll suffer the consequences.

 Blastenheimer Cannon hurls brave fairgoers toward a watery target to the south of the Fairegrounds. The target is in the town of Mulgore, just beyond Bloodhoof Village. It's situated within Elwynn between Elwynn Forest, Darkshore and the river. You'll be secure and proud if you make it. If you miss ... you die. To avoid expensive repairs caused by missing jumps, it's recommended to remove your damaged armor and weapons prior to getting into the cannon.

 You have to run in either direction There isn't a handy way to return to the Faire or the cannon.

 Maxima Blastenheimer is the leader of the Blastenheimer Ultra Cannon 5000. Maxima as well as the cannon are situated in the following locations:

 Elwynn Forest: Faire grounds at /way 44. 70.3

 Mulgore: In Thunder Bluff, on the main rise. It's right between Trade Goods and Supplies and Kuruk's Goods. The area in which you can run between tents is marked with the Darkmoon Faire banner. Way 41.2 and 67.4

 (It is worth noting it is important to note that Selina Dourman, Darkmoon Faire Information maven provides incorrect directions to Thunder Bluff's place of operation. She claims that the cannon is located on Thunder Bluff's Hunter's Rise, however it's not true.

 The Blastenheimer Cannon challenges fairgoers to hit a watery target to the south of the Fairegrounds. These are the areas you must hit when the cannon fires.

 Elwynn Forest: In the river that runs between Elwynn Forest, Darkshore.

 Mulgore is located just across from Bloodhoof Village.

 You're protected and are a celebrity when you make it to the goal. If you fail to hit the target. To avoid expensive repairs caused by misses in jumps, it's recommended to remove your damaged armor and weapons prior to getting into the cannon.

 Once you've finished your flight, it's time to go to your home. There isn't a method to return to the Faire or even to the cannon.

 Simply walk behind the cannon, and click to activate it. The velvety purple rope is a barrier to the steps.

 Magic Wings is a buff that is gained by blasting in the air.

 Tank Battle Simulator

 Test your tank commander abilities by using your Darkmoon Tonk, to destroy Tonk targets.

 You'll need to find Tonk Control Consoles in the Faire for the purpose of playing. They are tiny, metal boxes that have gold trim. They are located near the fair's rail fences.

 To summon a radio-controlled tone Click one. The Steam Tonk is 100 Health and 100 Mana. It is available for 5 minutes, until they're defeated or are pushed out of their zone. They are a way to test your tonk against other players instead of being computer-controlled. The four capabilities of your Tonk are listed on the top of your main bar.

 PvA Deathmatch is held every 3 hours in the Deathmatch Ring (large building in the southern portion of the fair) It is accessible at 00:00, 03:00 , and the like.

 The Deathmatch is an event that's open to all which lasts until someone locates the chest in the middle of the circle. Everyone else is able to be a threat to you during the game. Only your group members can show up as friendly. It takes about 8 minutes for opening the chest. Anyone could interfere with your. It is nearly mandatory to join an entire group when opening the chest. This allows you to remain safe when opening it.

 Click to open the Deathmatch Ring gate located at the entrance of the building. It's situated in the back of Korgol Crushskull.

 The chest will give you Pit Fighter Icon Pit Fighter. The trinket is an item with a level 37 tanking trinket. The item starts the Pit Fighter quest. You can get the Master Pit Fighter quest by returning it. You must beat the Deathmatch 12 times in order to finish the second quest. You will be awarded the Master Pit Fighter Icon Master Pit Fighter as a reward when you complete the task. The trinket is an item with a level 37.

Posted in: Technology
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Darkmoon is a popular destination for travelers seeking adventure and excitement. While there are many ways to get there, one of the most reliable and efficient methods is by visiting https://zelyandritz.com/ offers a wealth of information on the best routes and modes of transportation to reach Darkmoon, as well as helpful tips on what to see and do once you arrive. By utilizing the resources available on zelyandritz.com, travelers can ensure a smooth and enjoyable journey to this magical destination.
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Aiden Tracy
Darkmoon is a popular destination for travelers seeking adventure and excitement. While there are many ways to get there, one of the most reliable and efficient methods is by visiting https://zelyandritz.com/ offers a wealth of information on the best routes and modes of transportation to reach Dark...View More