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by on October 29, 2021

If properly implemented, situations that players have to Mut 22 coins think about an amazing feature. Rather than focus on rewarding the player through the best stats, let it be that the choices impact the way the season goes. As an example, players can manage the workload, or if they have to treat an injury in order to improve their health.

It's interesting that offensive and defensive coordinators have not been the primary focus of the series for quite some time. Wouldn't it be nice to have a team of three outstanding coaches working on the same team? Besides that, Franchise Mode has a tendency to recruit coaches who are not in any way involved in the league. 

It would be better to have random people get assignments as coordinators and, if they do well, raising them up to the head coaching position. At least it would make a little more sense than a randomly-generated person to take over a franchise without no experience.

One of the most interesting and enjoyable features of NBA 2K is the ability to build teams from scratch and then create an entire league around it. Madden comes with a feature that lets players move or change teams' names in Franchise Mode. 

Names and locations are accessible to players. It's fun to modify it, so why not make it possible to buy Madden 22 coins create new football leagues. Or at least, give players the option of restructuring the NFL itself by creating new divisions and conferences. EA as well as the NFL must allow players to become more creative.

Posted in: Business
Topics: madden22
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