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by on November 9, 2021

The center of the United States, Kansas, is one of the most economically valuable states. Its special geographical position has determined its history and development. This area is famous for its sights and memorable places. The state of Kansas (Kansas) is located almost in the very center of the country and, as it were, separates the north and south of the United States. In terms of area, it occupies 15th place out of 50 and has 213 km2. The population of the state is 2.8 million people. The capital is Topeka, and the largest city is Wichita. For Europeans, the history of Kansas began in the 16th century with a visit by a Spanish conquistador. However, large-scale research was carried out only two centuries later by the French, which made it possible to make the future state a colonial land of France. Later, the territory was ceded to the Spaniards, and a few years later sold to the United States. Kansas acquired state status on January 29, 1861. Geographical and climatic features The state of Kansas on the map of the United States The state of Kansas is completely surrounded by other territories of the United States and is landlocked. Most of it is the Great Plains with steppe vegetation (ecosystem - prairies). Of the largest reservoirs, two rivers can be distinguished - Arkansas, Missouri. They are the main waterways of the state and belong to the Mississippi Basin. The climate here is predominantly continental. Summer is hot, winter is cool. However, Kansas is prone to extreme temperature swings and tornadoes. This is due to the geographical location: cold northern and hot southern cyclones are found in this area.

To find out more about this, I advise you to study Map of Kansas in more detail.

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