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by on November 22, 2021

If I'm forming a group to WOW Classic TBC Gold acquire a specific item , and have managed to get the tank/healer gathered... Why should I choose to compete with a rival DPS? The item will drop and I'll have to make a bet on a coin in order in order to receive it. DPS are a dime a dozen.

If they're the first I'm okay with. To earn the trinket, I ran my SP group for 11 days straight. I ensured that the two other dps were not in need of it. Many wanted the leather legs or to simply tune in. It gets crappy when they don't tell you until they're off or worse, at the boss. You can also tell them that their friends all roll need on it , so that they can swap it with them.

The bis gear farming was a challenge for someone who had the full bis rogue. My mage had a rate of 50% when I reached 70. Crafting tailoring gear for crafting is simple. In Kara too, all physical dps share similar items, and my mage only required gear from Prince to buy WOW TBC Gold leave when I hit 70. Rogue is much more difficult to conquer than my mage or shaman. The uptime-, combopointcooldown-, combopoint-, and energy-management between dps as well as imp ea is extremely rough as compared to slamming bolts still causing less dmg.

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