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by on November 26, 2021

When I first started, I was a teenager, keen to play Runescape as I thought RS gold it was amazing I could play a character and just explore the world, going wherever I wanted to go. I played through the island tutorial and started with just a few dollars (I think that was around 12gp? You can.

I took my job as an adventurer "seriously" and was prepared to fight anyone or anything using my bronze sword and wooden shield. Smithing and mine were my favorite abilities back then. I had always wanted to create full-iron armor, and was eager to learn more about the different shades (mithril LOL). What did I do to learn more about runescape! Sal's Realm of Runescape ofcourse! The past few years have seen a lot of changes to runescape... and, unfortunately, many of them weren't very good.

I disliked the bot nuke day's ridiculous delay, and dungeoneering wasn't my style and I didn't enjoy the fact that I was unable to more make money from by selling armor for exchange. While all of the issues were extremely troubling, I was forced to leave because of two factors.

Jagex had such poor support for customers... it's like they didn't even care I got duped. Jagex found a solution to the problem by returning Runescape 2007.

It seems that Runescape has seen a significant change since then, and in only 2 years! I would come back but I've been too busy with my senior year at the university, it seems I'm not able to play it anymore. Although many of these problems still exist but the game will always be an integral aspect of my life since it brought back so many good memories.

How could I forget Elvarg defeating me in Dragon Slayer. What can I do to forget when I finished The Chosen Commander? There are a myriad of other unforgettable quests that I could mention! Although I doubt I will return in the near future, this community should continue to exist for many years to come. Thank you Runescape, and Sal for the guides!

All! Jagex HQ has watched the Ironman Challenge become hugely popular and we love watching the challengers take on it on livestreams and YouTube videos!

The Ironman Challenge is a community event where participants create a RuneScape player and are expected to be completely self-sufficient. This means you can only use the resources you have to yourself and cannot solicit help. It's fun and challenging. You can also learn many things about RuneScape.

As much fun as this is, there are a few buy OSRS gold disadvantages currently There's no easy way to show that you're playing an ironman There's no method to show that you've adhered to the rules of the game (or tell if others aren't).

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