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by on December 2, 2021


Once you've collected all the seals go  OSRS GP back to Azzanadra. That's great! You've got all the seals! I've arranged a meeting with a few gods. Are you interested in attending a meeting? Yes. Yes. Other gods have offered to free Zaros, provided he is kept in confinement. What is confinement? Doesn't a pyramid of this size be too small for the gods. Sure, but Zaros is still a Majharrat and he's exactly the same size as us. What is the matter with Zamorak? Aren't they both Majharrat? Yes, but Zaros's curse on him has left him with a deformity; he's of the size of a man and appears to be his enemies.

Tell me, what do Zaros appear like? It's true that he had the most of his face with a sand-colored scarf, but he had shoulder-length hair. It was black. Some believed that he also had purple eyes which could have been the reason he loved the color of purple so much. The robe he wore was the same tan color as the scarf, but it covered his whole body with only his arms. Therefore, no one really is aware of his looks only his skin, hair, and eye color. What we do know about the meeting...

{Dialogue inis what Azzanadra will say until you reach the meeting. When you arrive at the meeting, you will see 5 NPCs, Azzanadra, Bright Light, Hard Rock, Thick Jungle and High Cloud. These typically inanimate objects are the gods who are supporting you. The gods who support you are Saradomin (Bandos), Guthix as well as Armadyl and Guthix. You have to pick one of them, and they'll give you an item to use however, you must first prove your faith and ability.

The ability is simple, but to pass it, you need the skill of a god's weapon. Saradomin requires 99 HP; Bandos 99 strength, Guthix 99 defense, and Armadyl99 attack. Faith is more difficult. To prove your faith, you'll be required to answer certain questions correctly. You can only attempt to pass a god's test of faith once every week (you can take it again within 24 hours if you use a Ring of Charos (a)). If you give an incorrect answer, you will have to wait for one week before you are able to take the test again. You can take four times per week.

The only thing you have to do  cheap OSRS gold is answer the question using the right choice. If you get it right, god's weapon will fall in front of your feet, and you'll take it. The skill requirement is how much skill xp you have. There is nothing involving changing of attack styles in the screen of combat interface, but there is an option to have a faith bar in its place. This fills up a little each time you drop hit points, prayer points, or damage Zamorak. It is possible to summon the power of that god to inflict massive double damage, and create a complex animation when the bar is full.


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