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Abhishek Shukla
by on December 9, 2021

What are the top three on my list? You can conduct an effective job search with just a well-written résumé, and career coaches will actually find you a job. Also, it's a widely held belief that you only need to attend one career coaching session in order to get your work problems solved. For most clients, it takes between eight and ten hours of counselling to begin to realise the full benefits of coaching.

Is working with a career coach worth it for the average person?

Generally speaking, clients can expect to gain a sense of self-confidence, insight, encouragement, and inspiration from their sessions with Career Coach. They should also be able to relax a little bit as a result of the coaching relationship. I often work with clients to unwrap their feelings of anxiety, fear, and vulnerability so they can better understand how these factors may be keeping them from moving forward in their careers.

A recent client of mine was unable to break the habit of submitting resumes to online job postings, despite the fact that little resulted from the effort. After a little prodding, she admitted that her parents' outgoing personalities made her prone to self-censorship. She had difficulty asserting herself, was hesitant to seek assistance, and was afraid of being rejected. I had to persuade her to overcome her apprehensions about networking, which was the part of her job search she was avoiding.

Related: How to find a job search coach

As well as personality tests and interest inventories, career coaches can use a wide range of assessments to assist their clients, including job-description analyses and accomplishment exercises that help them discover the types of work and workplaces they are most proud of.

In addition, I rely on what I refer to as "360s," which entails soliciting advice from close family and friends. For this reason, I often ask clients to send out a list of questions to friends and family members, and then I collect the responses and compile a report for them to review—and hopefully consider.

Posted in: Education
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