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by on December 16, 2021

According to his own estimates, Cloud9's Mariano "Squishy Muffinz" Arruda has logged approximately 10,500 hours in Rocket League, with nearly half of that time spent in training and experimenting with new maneuvers. The Washington Post quoted Arruda, 18, as saying, "Rocket League is probably one of the most difficult games in the world to master.""I still have a lot to learn about this game, and that's one of the things I enjoy about it.

Despite the fact that he still considers himself a student, Arruda — better known by the abbreviated handle "Squishy" — has performed some of the most incredible maneuvers the game's esports scene has ever seen. His team consistently finishes near the top of tournament brackets, and last year they took home the buy Rocket League ItemsChampionship Series season six championship title. He has made a career out of the game and has amassed more than 530,000 subscribers to his YouTube channel, where he uploads gameplay montages to teach others how to play the game. A week before the start of the eighth season of the RLCS, The Post took advantage of Squishy's in-depth knowledge of the game's mechanics to provide tips and tricks for aspiring players to copy his moves.

Make use of training packs to get some practice in. A great deal.

Arruda recommends that any serious Rocket League Itemsplayer spend 30 minutes to an hour training in free-play mode before participating in their first match, according to the expert. According to him, "a lot of professionals would say the same thing.""They spend a significant amount of time in free play."At first, Arruda admitted that he only practiced in free play because he didn't have access to the Internet, which would have allowed him to compete against other players. Players can now use all of the training packs provided by Rocket League — as well as countless others provided by the community — to hone specific skills or run set plays in order to improve their overall performance. Arruda's advice is to make the most of the situation.

According to the pros, there are six ways to improve your Apex Legends game.

Arruda recommends that players spend time in training concentrating on controlling the ball in the air and winning it off nearby walls. Even though more complicated moves, such as the "musty flip," are entertaining to learn and well-received on online communities such as the Rocket League creditssubreddit, keep in mind that there are no style points awarded in competitive matches.

Work on a variety of skills in a variety of settings.

When you're ready to start a match, take a moment to consider which mode to play in — 1v1, 2v2, or the more traditional 3v3 match. One-on-one games provide more opportunities for dribbling and ball control practice than team games. By their very nature, the matches are a series of 50-50 matchups, and those situations prepare players for the rare occurrences in which they are faced with only one defender to beat in a conventional match.

Meanwhile, 2v2 matches, according to Arruda, help players reduce their exposure to risk. Because there is one fewer player on the field, you are forced to play more conservatively with the ball, which helps you develop a better instinct for when to challenge the ball and when to drop back. In addition, in a 3v3 match, you'll want to practice rotating off the ball with your teammates to improve your game. Arruda believes that spacing and anticipating the next touch on the ball are two of the most important aspects of team play.

On defense, keep the ball under control; don't let it go out of bounds.

You should always dribble or pass the ball out of your own half of the field when you are on defense. By simply clearing the ball for their opponents to control and bring back, players can develop bad habits that they will have to break. In a nutshell, you'll create a "ping-pong" effect in which you'll have few opportunities to score a direct shot on target. Possession is essential in many sports, including football.

Once you gain control of the ball, there are a few options for putting the opposing team on its heels, according to Arruda. Obtain an advantage from the back corners and then get the ball in the air to force players to challenge the ball with their heels, as shown in the video below. As Arruda explained, "you're essentially just trying to put them in a position where they're going to second-guess their decisions every time."

Keep an eye on the videotape

The key to success in is to make small, incremental improvements. When it comes to your recent match record, Arruda does not recommend looking at it as a sign that you are getting "better."As long as you're winning ranked matches, you'll always be matched up against progressively better players, and against progressively worse players if you're losing, so relying on your record can be a little misleading.

Alternatively, you could record a match on your console and watch it about a month later. You'll be able to see how much you've progressed over time if you do Rocket League Items Xbox One this way. Replays are also useful in demonstrating the overall flow of the game. Arruda advised taking advantage of your unique perspective. Keep an eye out for when you've been scored on and why. Look for patterns or weak spots in your defense to exploit. Frequently, teams make the same mistake over and over again in order to achieve their objectives.

According to Arruda, "the thing about pro-level gameplay is that you only have one to two seconds with the ball at most."Therefore, you must take action within a specified time frame.""Mind games on mind games," according to Arruda, have become the norm in professional rugby league matches, with players feinting off the ball to expose the opposition's defensive scheme. As soon as you begin to dither, you have created an opportunity to achieve your goal. When it comes to challenging a ball, the best advice Arruda can give is to be decisive and fully commit yourself.

In Arruda's words, "you just have to trust your instincts.""When it comes to this game, there is no time to waste. You have to be going at least at full speed for the majority of the time."

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