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by on March 9, 2021

With the upcoming Defence reset, I have the chance to  OSRS gold reset to level 1 defense. However, this will make me not able to utilize Power armor, and locks out the vital Freedom capability. I really could train back up to level 34 at a flash, but what is the point of this reset then? Another thing is that PvP is pretty much dead except for warbands, also with the change of mechanisms at warbands, there's hardly any benefit to getting a low combat level.

When I train up my battle, I'll have the ability to access much better slayer masters, which speeds up my primary objective. It was so hard to get around 89 slayers without even having the ability to perform Smoking Kills until 90 combat. Being unable to utilize Kuradel or even the Iowerth slayer master will probably be similarly frustrating, though, on the other hand, it would be an intriguing achievement to get a 99 slayer without ever being able to use a master better than Sumona. Soooooo... any hints?

Leo and I are both highly knowledgeable about warbands but from very different angles. From my limited knowledge of politics, there are two big factions, WBG which concentrates on looting, and PKS that prioritizes pking. Additionally, there are some smaller independent groups like Shailay, Judgment, and Almost lost.

When picking a Warband team you should consider their gear requirements, pking skill prerequisites, amount of players that are active by time, their strategy when faced with an attack (i.e. struggle or conduct ), allied teams, and efficacy in warring. The FCS usually have forum threads detailing all this, Leo would know better than me about the substance.

What aspect of warbands are you interested in? The PVP or the XP? This could be quite important that you know before I proceed any further. I'd suggest joining a team in WBG. If you think that you can devote time to receive a permanent spot in an FC, employ one of the ribbons on the official forums, or  cheap RuneScape gold attempt the Warband Tracker website (google it). Regrettably, the free-for-all bands that were part of this Warband Tracker happen to be canceled, so it can be hard to discover a temporary team. For assistance with that try asking friends to see if they can guarantee you in their own FC.

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