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by on March 11, 2021


If you've missed any of  classic gold wow these, I strongly recommend checking out them. Not only are they entertaining, but they are always very well done and also a great intro to an expansion, but especially for anyone who not super up on the lore. However, before we can get to Shadowlands, we need to do Pre-Patch!

For anybody not familiar with the"Pre-Patch" term, it's the patch prior to a brand new expansion goes live. Throughout pre-patch, all the significant system and course changes will go into effect, and generally, there's also an event which takes place and is only available during pre-patch. This time around, all character levels will be squished down (max level till Shadowlands goes live will be 50), all corruptions on gear will become inactive, and the course talent and ability changes will also go live. However, the Heart of Azeroth Essences and Azerite Gear Talents will not become inactive until we visit the shadowlands.

Along with Shadowlands expansion changes going into effect, the pre-patch event is a scourge invasion. Though this is going to be the third scourge invasion longtime players of WoW will have noticed, it is just the next time Blizzard has completed a zombie infestation as well. The infestation is simple in that NPC zombies will attack and may cause players to get a debuff on them, and that, as it reaches zero, will then turn the player into a zombie and infect others. There are also plagued roaches, which, when they're killed, will also lead to the player who killed it to get the infected debuff. As a zombie, players receive a whole new set of skills to utilize, and it may be a good deal of fun running in Stormwind or Orgrimmar. Of course, when most of this went on the PTR, it caused no shortage of consternation among players.

The main issue is attempting to do anything which isn't the zombie infestation gets hard to do, largely because player zombies like to hangout at quest givers and other areas where plenty of gamers tend to collect. Since this event also comes with a whole questline that occurs from the zones around Stormwind and Orgrimmar, there is ample opportunity to camp out and potentially infect as many players as possible. However, one positive shift in the previous time the zombie infestation occurred is that Blizzard seems to have made it more difficult to  buy classic wow gold spread it into the rest of Azeroth. Among the first things I did when I got infected was to hearth into Dalaran, but when I arrived, I wasn't infected anymore. However, I was able to take it to Boralus via using the portal in the mage tower, so it's not a perfect program yet.

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