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David Lin
by on December 27, 2021

A lot of D2R players are struggling to unlock and play Act 3 Quests. If you're among the players struggling at this problem, then you're at the right place. Today we will help you to complete and unlock all 6 quests in Act 3. We'll also give you an entire walkthrough in Diablo 2 Resurrected.

 For unlocking the Act 3 quests in Diablo 2 Resurrected, you must defeat an Unique monster after completing the final quest in Act 2 called "The Seven Tombs". This is where you enter Tal Rasha's Chamber and fight the boss of the final act, Baal. After you've done this, you're now all set to enter Act 3.

 The Golden Bird is the first quest in Act III. It begins by rescuing A Jade Figurine from one of the many unique creatures found in the forest. After you've stocked up on the streets and ready to begin Act III, head outside of town into the Spider Forest. Once you're in the forest, explore the area for the point of entry. It's usually located in front of Arachnid Lair 1. When you are searching for the waypoint, eliminate unique mobs until you get the Jade Figurine.

 After you have obtained the Jade Figurine and the waypoint, return to town and talk to Meshif(4). After talking to Meshif they will give him a kudos and present you with The Golden Bird. When you have received The Golden Bird, take it over the to Alkor(6) and talk to him. After speaking with him the first time, you can talk to him a few times or more before you can receive your 20 HP permanent reward.

 Once you've received the potion, you can consume the potion you have in your possession. After you have consumed the potion, scroll down until the Khalim's Eye portion of the quest number 3 prior to moving on.

 Blade of the Old Religion (Quest #2)

 The Blade of the Old Religion is the second mission of Act III. The quest involves searching for the Flayer Jungle for the Gidbinn. After you've received your reward for the previous quest and you have completed the Khalim's eyes portion of quest number 3 return to the Spider Forest via the waypoint the area.

 Once you've returned into the forest, explore the forest until it changes in to Flayer Jungle. Sometimes , the entrance to the Flayer Jungle is not attached to the Spider Forest. If you're unable to find the Flayer entrance, search to find it on the Great Marsh pathway. Inside The Great Marsh search the zone for the path leading to that Flayer Jungle.

 There's a waypoint inside the Great Marsh if you would like to locate it. Once you arrive in Flayer Jungle, Flayer Jungle search the zone for the waypoint and the Gidbinn alter. After finding the waypoint , and the Gidbinn alter, make sure you are fully fueled with of mana and health and ready for a fight. When you're ready then click on the altar and it will burst into flames. In just a few seconds Blight Maim, a unique flayer monster, will run through you with a couple of minions.

 When you've received the Gidbinn, make a portal into town and talk to Ormus(1). Speak to Ormus(1) once more and He will place the Gidbinn to the altar and hand you a rare diamond ring. Once you receive your ring, you can go in search of Asheara(5) to collect your reward as a mercenary. After you've spoken with her, return to town and head back through the town's access point to Flayer Jungle and go to Khalim's Brain in the 3rd quest.

 Khalim's Will (Quest #3)

 Khalim's will is the third objective that is part of Act III. It involves gathering Khalim's eye, Brain, Heart and Flail, Combining them in the Horadric Cube,and using the newly transformed flail to destroy the Compelling Orb thus giving you access to the Durance of Hate and Mephisto.

 This quest is like the second quest of Act II. Khalim's eye or Brain is found in any order. This guide will begin by finding Khalim's eye. (Note that the part of Khalim's eye is located in the same zone as the first quest so it can be completed before quest number 2).

 Khalim's Brain

 After returning through the town portal and landing back in the Flayer Jungle, Search the village near and to the Gidbinn for the entry point to Flayer Dungeon Level 1. When you've found the entrance to the Flayer Dungeon level 1, you can enter and go towards Flayer Dungeon Level 3. The dungeon is brimming with flayer mobs and you can easily be overrun so bring plenty of potions. Once you make your way up to Level 3, work your traverse the maze until you come across a golden chest.

 Beware, as your chest will be guarded an unusual Flayer Shaman known as Witch Doctor Endugu. After you've defeated Witch Doctor Endugu(Twice) and his gang of thugs then open the chest and get Khalim's Brain.

 Once you've acquired the brain return to town. When you are in town, stock with items and use the waypoint area to go back into the Flayer Jungle. Once you have returned to your Flayer Jungle, search around the zone until you find a path that takes you through the Lower Kurast zone.

 After entering the Lower Kurast zone, search for the waypoint and the pathway to the Kurast Bazaar.

 Once you've located reached the point of departure and located the Kurast Bazaar path,

 Then, enter the Bazaar area and look around within the vicinity for entrance for the Ruined Temple as well as the Sewers. Once you have found the entrance into the Ruined Temple and before entering the Sewers proceed to the quest section 4 of the guide and complete it.

 Lam Esen's Tome (Quest #4)

 Lam Esen's Tome is the fourth quest of Act III. It requires going through the Ruined Temple for Lam Esen's Tome and then returning it to Alkor. To acquire Lam Esen's Tome, find the Ruined Temple entry point in the Kurast Bazaar. Once you have found it, go into the temple and search the area for the pedestal marked Lam Esen's Tome.

 The Blackened Temple (Quest #5)

 The Blackened Temple is the fifth quest in Act III. It is about killing the Council. The Council comprises comprising Multiple Unique and regular council members. It is suggested to get rid of some of the areas around the main temple area so that you have enough room to kite and divide the members since the whole council at the same time will be difficult. The members of the council look like this.

 The Guardian (Quest #6)

 The Guardian is the sixth and final quest that is part of Act III. It involves the killing of Mephisto inside The Durance of Hate. Once you have completed quest 3, enter the newly revealed Durance of Hate level 1.

 Once inside, search the walls around you until you traverse the levels, until you get to Durance of Hate Level 3 and make sure you pick up the point of entry on level 2. When you locate the Durance of Hate level 3 then enter the level and get ready to fight Mephisto.

 To get to Mephisto take a choice of the left or right side, then move across the members of council and other minions until reaching the back part of the space. Mephisto has a heavy attack of Lightning or Poison damage. Mephisto has a charged bolt attack and lightning ball attack and poison cloud aoe as well as a straight lightning bolt attack.

 Be sure to carry enough potions and a few remedies. Before or after engaging the time you are ready, be sure to open an access point for town in the event that you are killed. After you've defeated Mephisto take his soulstone and enter the red portal in his room . You can then proceed to Act IV.

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