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by on December 28, 2021

This big creature is the sole living representative of Cheap OSRS Gold the Ourg race. It is also a leader in the Bandos Forces in God-Wars. To find him, players have to go through an obstacle that you can only destroy with an hammer. This requires 70 strength. 

Additionally, adventurers who want to face on him must eliminate at minimum 40 people in the army. Fortunately enough, Goblins are all over the dungeon and easily be defeated to complete this task. In fact, general Graardor is the sole boss to drop Bandos pieces of gear he can easily be cultivated for loot.

Another commander of forces in the God-Wars dungeon is K'ril who is the general of Zamorak army. He's often fought in Slayer tasks because he is considered to be a more powerful demon. 

The majority of people opt to the head of a boss when they are farming in the God-Wars the dungeon, as his drop table is not so impressive as Kree'arra and others. From notable ones we can be able to mention Zamorakian Staff, Staff of the Dead and Zamorak Hilt. It is worth noting that because of his Demonic classification he can be defeated using a Slayer helmet added bonus.

It is a stronger and larger variation of Cave Kraken that can be found on Kraken Cove. This monster requires level 87 Slayer skill as well as the Slayer task to Cave Krakens. Because the boss poses nothing to the top players and is quite accessible and easy to Buy RS3 Gold farm, many players utilize it to make money. Some of the most famous drops will find Kraken tentacle and Trident of the Seas which can be traded for just a few thousand gold coin.

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