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by on January 3, 2022


Peyton Manning, one of the greatest quarterbacks of Mut 22 coins history--as well as one of the greatest audible callers in NFL history. His name will always be remembered for his amazing passing skills, his ability to dissect defenses and helping two teams win Super Bowl victories. However, it turns out that Manning really wanted to become a Madden Ratings Adjuster and is determined to take on his arch-rival, Tom Brady, if EA allows him to do so.

In a brand new video uploaded to Twitter, Manning acknowledged that it wasn't the fame or fortune that influenced his performance over the course of all 18 NFL seasons. It wasn't even trying to compete against his brother and father for supremacy in the family. The real issue was getting to decide who would be the first to have their ratings changed.

"I did especially think that Brady's accuracy score was perhaps a little too high," Manning said. Both quarterbacks are generally regarded as the best players to play in the history of football, with Brady continuing to play despite being older than 44. Both quarterbacks also showed how they can bring life to struggling teams. Brady led The Buccaneers from 7-9 in 2019 to winning a Super Bowl the following year as well as the Broncos have gone from 8-8 to 2 Super Bowl appearances and one win under Manning.

Another fellow Madden Ratings Adjuster Chad Johnson said he was somewhat worried about what Manning would perform, likely because he's likely to make every other quarterback worse. Still, with the type of football career Manning had, it's impossible to argue with Peyton Manning, especially when he keeps bringing up the city of Nebraska for some reason

Although rumors circulated through  cheap Madden nfl 22 coins social media earlier this week EA has not yet decided to release two updates for Madden 22's Franchise mode. The company reiterates what it claims to be its support for Madden as a live service game.


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