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by on January 5, 2022

NW coins experienced a tumultuous launch, one that stands out even among the large number of tumultuous MMO launches that have occurred. This is accompanied by a surge in players during NW gold for sale's launch window, which gradually fades away over time, leaving a strong community of core players in its place. Amazon is now left to figure out the best way to deal with US East Orun Coins, with server merges guaranteed but uncertainty surrounding how merges will impact the game's overall experience. Shroud, a Twitch streamer, is particularly concerned about the consequences of mergers.

During a recent stream, Shroud, who has established himself as the most prominent New World streamer on Twitch, spoke candidly about the MMO's upcoming server mergers. Another topic that came up during the discussion was the best way to combine servers in order to prevent one server from dominating the others. Shroud believes that, due to the competitive nature of Buy New World US East Eden Coins, the combination of different server sizes could cause economies to become disorganized. After all, the companies of a small server would have greater access to resources than the companies of a medium-sized server, which would be much more competitive.

That is, of course, just Shroud's initial thought on the subject. His final conclusion involved even more throwing his hands in the air, as he acknowledges that combining two small servers will almost certainly result in an abundance of items, each of which will create its own unique kind of chaos on the server.

In the end, Shroud determines that server mergers will cause chaos in New World regardless of the circumstances, stating, "It's a merge, it's going to happen, and there are a lot of people coming."His firm belief is that it is preferable to do it rather than not to do it because healthy server populations in chaos are still preferable to low-population servers that are unable to maintain rigorous activity.

Server mergers are coming to New World, no matter how players feel about them at the moment. They do, however, continue to loom on the horizon. As was the case when Amazon first promised server transfers, the company still has a long road ahead of it to ensure that server merges are carried out efficiently and without any emergencies. This means that server mergers could be several weeks or months away at this point. Despite the fact that Amazon is unlikely to discuss its server merge policy with Shroud or others, it's still interesting to consider how the mergers will affect players and the surrounding community.

This ended up having the greatest impact on New World's solo players, who are now having difficulty killing enemies due to their increased health pool, and if they do, the loot they receive is not particularly rewarding. There is also a problem with the duplication glitch that affects trophies and furniture, which has made it impossible for New World players to trade these items for the time being - at least, until Amazon figures out how to resolve the problem. In order to make up for this, housing taxes have been reduced by 90% for a while now, allowing players to live in the homes of their dreams to some extent.

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