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by on January 5, 2022


A 2K22 TikTok on 10 October has gone viral showing a player who is constantly draining hook shots deep, essentially taking the "Post" out of Post Hook. It seems that  Nba 2k22 Mt nearly every time a user is able to do as shown in the video they have the Posterizer badge on their computer. The only exception being the very first shot shot.

It's not known what kind the Center or Power Forward design the player is using to help the shots to hit most likely, they're utilizing the often-ignored Post Hook stat in some way. We've witnessed this type of incident only once in a thrilling and memorable battle between two basketball giants in Family Guy.

In a mythical game of "Double Dribble" between Cleveland Orenthal Brown Sr. and Peter Griffin, Peter used such an exploit to beat Cleveland 18-4, employing his trademark "Corner Three" shot six times in succession. For anyone that's played 2K22 against a skilled Sharpshooting guard, this video may feel almost too real for you.

Thus, while this Post Hook strategy may not be a common practice yet, you may want to keep an eye on this strategy in games like Park and Rec games from now on out. NBA All-Star Kevin Durant has been logging an impressive amount of time on 2K22 during the offseason. He experienced a record-breaking winning streak last night alongside several creators of content for 2K.

Following the closing of NBA Finals in late July The offseason was now in full swing, giving players some needed time off. For some, that meant extravagant holidays and traveling abroad while for  cheap 2k22 mt others it offered some great game time with NBA 2K22.

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