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by on March 27, 2021


Central to the fluctuations on deck is a reworking of  Mut 21 coins the game's player-trading logic, and the total player valuation that behaviour rests on. The changes EA Tiburon's designers explained in a blog post on Wednesday are meant to make trades for superstars"nearer to what we've seen [in real life] based on changing perceptions of'realistic' transactions over the years."

This means fixing inconsistencies and problems in which highly rated players were strangely less valued by CPU teams. By way of instance, a talented player who wasn't a newcomer to his old team, but would be a starter on the one being provided, was viewed as a backup-level value by the older trade logic. Middling-rated players could occasionally get one-for-one trade worth with celebrities only because both were in the very top of their respective teams' depth charts. Now the CPU will either expect more in the trade, or just refuse such offers.

In other cases, players whose archetype didn't match with the playbook plot of the current team (a power running back, for example, in a system built for receiving backs) would be undervalued when placed on the trading block, also. Both of these incongruities are solved with the patch, EA Tiburon explained.

The transaction logic overhaul will even address resources whose trade worth is marginally unique to professional American football: draft selections. Madden's franchise mode has had the means of trading approaching draft picks since Madden NFL 13 at 2012. EA Tiburon says it has"completely realigned the base value of Draft choices to work with fresh Player Value changes." Additionally,"teams have more nuanced perspectives of valuing players and draft picks from their own and competitions."

A note from developers expanded on this concept with  cheap Madden 21 coins an example: A star player could objectively be well worth a first-round draft pick in a one-for-one trade. However, the fact he's an older star who may possibly retire shortly lowers the return value to a second-round pick, since the staff who receives the star will not have him .


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