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Brian Wilsom
by on January 12, 2022

What’s not to love about cereal boxes? They’re colorful and always make a great snack to take with you on the go. They’re also a great way to recycle and make a fun project for kids to make their own cereal boxes. The possibilities are endless!

The cereal boxes is one of the most iconic pieces of packaging in the world, with its colorful pictures of the cereal inside, the slogan of the brand, and the smiling cartoon characters. The cereal box can be traced back to the 1800s, when it was first used as a marketing tool to sell products. The first cereal box was created by cereal manufacturer Quaker Oats in 1840. The first cereal box was made of paper, with images of cereal inside. However, today cereal boxes are

Cereal Boxes are made of cardboard, but are also made with paperboard, plastic, fiberboard, or other materials. The cereal companies are trying to make their cereal boxes more sustainable. They are trying to make the boxes less wasteful, for example, by recycling old boxes. Some cereal boxes are made with recycled materials, for example, they are made of at least 50% recycled material. Companies are also trying to make their boxes more durable. Companies are trying to make the boxes durable


Posted in: Business, Shopping, Society
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