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by on January 18, 2022

They often come to us with questions like "do you like the course I chose"? or "what can be added to my course"? Naturally, such questions are most often asked by so-called novice chemists who have read some information in the journal "Iron World" or similar.

Such incorrect questions should disappear by themselves, if the course is chosen correctly and does not require any supplements and if you take quality steroids that can be purchased on this https://balkan-pharmaceuticals.org/product-category/course/ site. Sometimes there are situations when the wrong course needs to be cut, not expanded.

Beginners should not:

first, use more than two drugs;
second, use two more drugs that are not included in the "base".

The older you get, the more important it is to use a basic course. Even when you train for yourself, and even if you consider yourself an amateur.

The same can be said about dosing. Of course, factors such as the level of genetics, the level of training and, in general, the "chemicalization of the organism" play an important role in the choice of dosage. It happens that, after reading another delusion, you begin to use in one course as a basis "Deca" or "Boldonolom". As a result, you get a zero result minus the money spent.

It is only necessary to understand well what a "base" is and what components can be attached to it, meaningless questions will disappear by themselves.

Let's start.

Anabolic steroids (AC) affect muscle hypertrophy through a variety of mechanisms. By action, they are divided into two classes: first class and second class. Next I will explain the essence of the work of each class and how to combine different classes so as to achieve the greatest effect and strengthen their interaction.

Class 1 includes steroids that affect anabolism, which results from intense binding to AR (androgen receptors). For example, Primobolan, Nandrolone, Oxandrolone and Boldenone can be called 1st class drugs.

The activity of Class 2 components does not depend on binding to androgen receptors and their activation. They are active, usually in microsomes, neurons, mitochondria and others. This group includes drugs such as, say, stanozalol, oxymethanol, methandrostenolone.


In addition to these, there are a number of substances that have the properties of two classes, ie they affect growth on the principle of 1st and 2nd classes. The effect will be noticeable, both when using only these drugs, and when using them as a "base" for most courses of steroids. These drugs include two drugs: testosterone and trenbolone. These drugs should be used as a "base" of the course (to overlap both mechanisms of activity associated with the activation of AR and not supported by it) or used as an adjunct to the drug of 1st or 2nd class (to partially potentiate the missing mechanism, which in results in hypertrophy).

With knowledge of the mechanisms of action of a drug, you can draw conclusions about how you can combine them to maximize the effect. The highest effectiveness can be achieved by combining different classes of steroids. Here are some examples of such combinations (please note that there may be many more).

On "mass":

Primobolan (or Boldenone) and Oxymetholone.
Stanazolol and Nandrolone

On "drying":

Primobolan and Stanozolol,
Boldenone (or Primobolan) and Galotestin.

Naturally, using Trenbolone and Testosterone as a basic component, both for "weight" and "drying", you will get a much greater result. If you use Testosterone for "drying", you need to add anti-aromatase to the course.

Posted in: Health
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