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Marcos Patellisy
by on January 19, 2022

Yesterday, a supposed list of games that would leave Game Pass was filtered throughout the year. While this information has not been confirmed, a new Xbox communiqué seems to indicate that this information was not true. While at the end of the month we will see a list of titles that will no longer be in this service, they are not the that were mentioned.

In this way, it has been revealed that on January 31, these are the following games that will no longer be available at Xbox Game Pass :

  • Cyber ​​Shadow (Cloud, Console and PC)

  • Nowhere Prophet (Cloud, Console and PC)

Xbox - Prison Architect (PC)

  • xeno crisis (cloud, console and pc)

Remember that in the filtered list pointed out that games like yakuza 3 remastered, would disappear from Xbox Game Pass at the end of month . Although the possibility that these titles will eventually stop being available are not discarded, still need to happen.

On related topics, these are the games that will arrive at Xbox Game Pass. In the same way, the number of users in this service have been revealed.

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