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by on April 11, 2021


Here's a look at  2K21 MT some of the other standout points. Here is a quote from that portion of the site:

"The City is big. The return of Affiliations, however, might be just as big - if not larger. For many years now, among the most requested features from the NBA 2K community was Affiliation-based gameplay. Naturally, we're incredibly excited to deliver it back in a meaningful manner that provides competitive thickness to the City. This is something we've needed to do for several years now, and also the energy of this next-gen consoles finally makes it possible for us to view our vision "

Here is when you can sample the NBA 2K21 demo

This year, 2K is introducing a voting concept into the City, and it could become a social networking phenomenon depending on how 2K handles it. Here's how it's explained.

"Each Affiliation will be symbolized by a Mayor; they will be quite influential on your day-to-day experience within The City. So what is a Mayor, and exactly what do they do? And how can they become preferred?"

The Mayors will have specific statements and are being positioned to become 2K actors of a type. Here are a Few of Those privileges:

"Affiliation Videos - Mayors will be creating assorted videos during their term that will appear in-game about the jumbotrons in the court areas. You can anticipate your Mayor to exude  Cheap NBA 2K21 MT rallying cries and inspire the members of their Affiliation to perform at the peak of their abilities. After all, just like you, they would like to run The Town!


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