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by on February 4, 2022

For your convenience, we've compiled a list of D2R Glitches, Tips, and Tricks, which you can find at the bottom of this page. A number of new bugs, tips, and tricks have been discovered for Diablo 2 Resurrect, and the information contained in this guide will keep you up to date on the most recent bugs, tips, and tricks that have been discovered in the game. Some of the glitches from the original Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction have been preserved in this remaster, while others have been completely patched out. This shouldn't come as a surprise given the game's history. As new glitches, tips, and tricks are discovered and added to the database, it is recommended that you check back frequently because this guide will be updated as new information becomes available.

There are several bugs that we will discuss in this article, the first of which is the Mercenary Bug, which is the most serious of them all. Further discussion of this particular bug will be covered in greater depth in subsequent articles. You can prevent melee mobs from attacking your mercenary by using the mercenary bug glitch, but ranged mobs will still attack your mercenary. It is possible to keep your mercenary alive for the longest period of time while also maintaining the highest level of insight weapon aura on your character's person by employing this glitch. Locating the Inner Cloister waypoint and then following the instructions that appear on it (as shown in the example below) is the quickest and most straightforward method of obtaining this glitch. To enter the jail, proceed northwest and enter through a third-floor door on the left-hand side of the building's third floor, which is located on the third floor of the jail building.

Once the door has been unlocked, return to the inner cloister and then to the Jail Level 3 entrance to complete the mission's objectives. In the Inner Cloister, enter through the door and quickly close it behind you to trap your mercenary on the other side of it. When you've captured your mercenary behind the door, you should make your way to the far east side of the room, where you can clear a path for your mercenary to teleport to your location later from that location later on. When this occurs, your mercenary will have been properly bugged and will no longer be targeted by melee mobs; however, ranged mobs will continue to target him until they have completed their mission objectives, which will take some time.

D2R switch runes will be the subject of the second glitch that we will discuss, which will be the pathing of Mephistopheles as well as the moat within his room, which will be the subject of the first glitch that we will discuss. Further discussion of this subject will be covered further in the following section of this chapter. Using it, sorcerers can kill Mephisto on any difficulty level in a short period of time and without suffering any damage as a result of their actions. In order to complete the mission, you must first make your way through Durance of Hate level 3 and into the area, then make your way over to Mephisto and engage him in combat.

Using a teleportation over the moat on the southern side of his room, which will cause him to become trapped on the stairwell, he can put a stop to the chase at any point in the game's progression. After crossing the bridge, position yourself on the blood spot in the reference photo to ensure that you can easily bring him down later on with ranged damage. It is important to note that even if you are utilizing an agent to assist you with this task, Mephisto will still attack and kill the agent if you get too close to him if you do not exercise caution. You should either let your agent die or ensure that you are sufficiently separated from him before going on any runs, according to the recommendation.

If you want to earn the permanent stat bonuses for your character, it is critical that you complete the specific quests that will award you with them as soon as possible. Firstly and most importantly, we would like to provide you with the single most important piece of advice we can offer you. In exchange for completing each of the three levels of difficulty, you will receive 60 health points and 15 stat points, as well as 30 resistance against all enemies and 12 skill points.

We recommend that you consult our comprehensive Act I-V guides for assistance if you have any questions about completing any of the quests listed above. In the hopes of assisting anyone who has completed Act III and is looking forward to skipping over the lengthy quest line in order to obtain the flail, the following information has been provided. A fantastic method of motivating your friends to progress past Act 3 and reach the Travincall waypoint is by involving them in a game that you have created.

You should proceed to assassinate the members of the Travincal city council who have been detained there once you've gained entry. Following the assassination of the Council, you should return to town as soon as possible and speak with Cain about your situation. As soon as you have finished talking with Cain, you will be able to enter the Durance of Hate Level 2 area through an underground portal. It has been decided that Act V of the Ancients will be skipped due to the requirement for a certain level. Using this method in conjunction with the previously mentioned method, it is possible to obtain a level 1 character who can progress from Act I of the normal game all the way through Hell Act V and beyond. In order to use this method of defeating the ancients, it is necessary to create a game in which the ancients must still be defeated at some point.

The Ancients will be killed first, followed by Baal, by the person or booster who has chosen to participate in the game, and you will be required to remain in town during this time period. Your level 1 character will be able to complete the baal kill quest while in town, allowing you to progress to the next difficulty level and earn more experience points.

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