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by on February 8, 2022

Amazon Game Studios is gearing up for the first server merger between the Avalon and Ramaja worlds in Central Europe in 2022. Earlier this month, as New World prepares to merge Ramaja on February 4. They also hope that by doing this, they can restore those lost players and stimulate their desire to buy New World Coins.

Server consolidation has become a necessity in New World for several reasons. Back in December 2021, Amazon Game Studios merged hundreds of servers as they tried to rebalance factions and feed heavily depopulated servers with large numbers of players. Although this is only the first merger in 2022, Amazon says there are more in the works. Many players may wish to prepare  Cheap New World Coins to face more rival worlds.

New World ran into a lot of problems after launch. These are also the reasons it is difficult for New World to keep players. Amazon has been working on fixing these issues, but last week finally rolled out additional fixes aimed at addressing some issues players were having with dropping and picking up items. Items that many players get with New World Coins will also be more secure.

Whether players are sticking with New World or planning to move on, Amazon Game Studios wants players to know they have more content and a ton of new content coming soon. And players may wish to buy New World Coins at IGGM to continue to look forward to exploring in a more perfect New World. They have a price advantage and offer a secure trading system, and many players have become big fans of this trading site.

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