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by on February 9, 2022

While playing F2P, I saw people in full rune tanking of the level 50 spiders at the 3rd strengthhold level with bronze arrows RuneScape Gold. It could work. I've also heard that people with very high range exp in f2p played ice giants to at least a lot of their exp. This means that they could be a good option too.

Brilliant idea to tank with bronze Arrows. :( Really... simply go for green D'hide, I'm wearing a green coif and leather boots , with an ammy power. Simply kill them. Bring some swords with you to help you're staying longer. They're extremely precise. Even in full dharoks, and super sets (with the super-def) as well as 71 def and an inv of sharks I'm not able to last more than 2-3 hours thr without banking.

So , f2ping with green D'hide? U will not last longer than 10-20 minutes. What do you think I'd be destroyed by D'Hide? I Camped for a week at Hobolins, with a single inventory of pizzas made from anchovies. A dif b/w spiders and hobs. Spiders are not safe.. Hobs possess a weak atk.. I was able camp for hours and hours at 50 def without a thing on me with only the rune scim, rune kite. Also, an ammy power.

In contrast, I can barely survive 3 hours with 71Def (boosted by super pots) Also, with fully dharoks. This is one of, if it is not the top bonus def equipment in the game, and an extensive collection of monkfish. If i had the same gear, it is possible to last forever in the hobs with not any food item. If you're arrogant, go have fun lasting for 10 minutes each serving of food, getting approx 5k of exp per hour...

Your prestige is the amount of floors you've completed prior to clicking"Reset. If you're at lv99 and you complete 50 floors, you'll get 50 prestige. If you just do 20 out of those 50 before resetting Cheap OSRS Fire Cape, you only have 20 prestige.

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