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Dr Mitali Soni Loya
by on February 9, 2022

It’s no secret that most people are depressed once winter rolls around, but if you suffer from seasonal depression, you may find yourself feeling down or even hopeless during the spring, summer and fall as well. Seasonal depression affects millions of people every year and can be tough to deal with, but there are plenty of steps you can take to help alleviate the symptoms and get your life back on track. Here are five steps you can take to combat seasonal depression in your area.

1) Check with your doctor

There’s no way around it—those who suffer from seasonal depression have to check with the best psychiatrist in Bhopal about how best to combat their symptoms. Whether it’s a change of diet, more light exposure, or something else entirely, it’s important that you follow your doctor’s advice so that you can live your best life. That said, there are some things you can do at home as well.

2) Find why you are sad

It’s often difficult to understand why you’re feeling depressed during certain times of year. It’s important to acknowledge that you might be struggling with seasonal depression, as seasonal depression can cause intense feelings of sadness and helplessness that are sometimes debilitating. Talk with your psychiatrist doctor in Bhopal or a mental health professional about what’s going on and how you can feel better. Most important, don’t let your depression go untreated—it could lead to further problems if left unchecked.

3) De-clutter your life

When you’re struggling with depression, it can feel like life is making things difficult on purpose. And when you’re feeling that way, it can be tempting to shut down and hide from your troubles, which makes them more difficult to solve. To start fighting depression, do just the opposite: Get involved with your life again! A big part of overcoming depression is getting out of bed and back into a routine—whether it’s checking off tasks on your list or spending time with loved ones.

4) Start a hobby

Starting a new hobby or activity is one of the best ways to combat seasonal depression. When you’re feeling low, pick something that sounds fun—from exploring a city you haven’t visited before (if you’re in Bhopal) to taking up a new instrument. Even if it takes some time before you get into it, simply forcing yourself out of your comfort zone will have an overall positive effect on your life. What’s the most important thing? It’s not hard!

Posted in: Health
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