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by on February 10, 2022

Combine both and you'll have a powerhouse! That means you'll need your strongest att/str boosting prayers as well as super pots on RuneScape Gold your missions, and even a cannon as well if you want and can afford. You can earn up to 100k exp/hour at high levels. It's the same or even more than armoured zombies and bandits. This also lets you avoid appearing ridiculous like a 138 with 70 slayer.

Gear should be: Barrows gloves, from RFD. Dragon boots. Full slayer helm, black mask until you get it. Wear armour that you can proselytize if you're using prayers, or barrows if don't. Whip, try to get an enraged rapier as quickly as you are able to. Dragon protector, antidragon protection for jobs involving dragons (DFS is unnecessary, do not bother with one).

Amulet of glory, attempt to collect the fury whenever you are able. Ardougne cape 3 or soulwars cape. Although it's interesting, doesn't that defeat the goal of slaying? One of the benefits of learning to be a Slayer is something new to finish every job, and that's sure, fine. However, isn't the goal to make money? I'm sure that eventually, prayers would increase the price to the point that I'm losing money, isn't it?

And thanks to everyone who has offered advice. Even with prayer potions , one will probably profit from slayer, they are relatively inexpensive. With just the drops you can make a profit, and should you not have that then getting Slayer Dart runes from the slayer master 35 points for slayer (you get 36 points when you complete 2 tasks from Kuradel) is about 70k which is pretty decent and could yield an amount of money if you decide to spend the money instead of cancelling or blocking tasks.

Is it possible to train on bandits already, or should I stick with Giant spiders inside the Stronghold until 70 def before I move to Buy OSRS Fire Cape bandits? Sumona demands 85 combat as well as Smoking Kills which you SHOULD do If you're into slayers.

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