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by on February 18, 2022

What is Cenforce 200?

Cenforce 200mg is an incredible drug that is used to cure Erectile Dysfunction. Erectile Dysfunction is a disease that is common in men who are above the age of thirty. The solution to it is a prescription that contains an FDA approved a generic drug. The generic drug is called as Sildenafil Citrate. Cenforce is a drug is available effortlessly online and anyone can get their hands on this drug.

There are many things that cause Erectile Dysfunction in a person. The reason can vary from one individual to another. However, there are some very generic causes that can cause this medical condition. They are listed below: Diabetes, Hypertension, Weight, heart disease, etc.

The drug Cenforce 200 mg is an outstanding drug that can cure people who go through Erectile Dysfunction. This drug works in a way that allows people to maintain and achieve their erection. This, in turn, helps in maintaining the erotic needs of a person which is not possible otherwise.

The drug Cenforce 200 is a class of drug which is classified as a PDE inhibitor. This drug has an active ingredient known as Sildenafil Citrate and is prescribed by people to treat their sexual medical condition.

This drug has been manufactured by an Indian company called Centurion Laboratories. This drug is way cheaper than the brand Generic viagra and is considered to be affordable that way.

There are people who lose their confidence because they are not able to attain their erection at the time of sexual intercourse. It is at these times when the patient is prescribed Sildenafil Citrate as a medicine. Cenforce contains Sildenafil Citrate as an active ingredient and has different dosages.

The time of this medicine should be taken as per the prescription is given by the doctor. There are some people who believe that this drug can prevent people from Sexually Transmitted Diseases which is not true.                         

How does Cenforce 200 mg work?


Cenforce 200 mg contains Sildenafil Citrate, which is the reason why this medicine is also referred to as Sildenafil Cenforce 200mg. This active ingredient relaxes the stress around the smooth muscles of the pelvic organs. It also boosts, regulates, and maintains the blood flow in the penis by not allowing the cGMP cycle to be reduced.

The patient is thus able to attain a harder erection for a longer duration. As sufficient blood flow reaches the male genitals, pleasurable sex can be experienced and ED or impotence is treated to a great extent. Get Cenforce 200 coupon code at 10% off


How does Cenforce 200 Mg Treats Erectile Dysfunction Problems?


It belongs to a group of medicaments known as PDE5 inhibitors. In order to understand exactly how the medication works, it is necessary to understand the physiological mechanism of erection.

After the sexual arousal, nitrogen oxide is released into the corpus cavernous body of the penis. After releasing Nitrogen oxide actives the enzyme called guanylate cyclase leading to the synthesis of cyclic GMP or cGMP. 

Cyclic GMP interacts with the smooth muscles of the cavernous body causing them to relax. As a result, more blood flows to the penis and the erection is achieved.

Cyclic GMP is inactivated by the enzyme PDE5 or phosphodiesterase type-5. By inhibiting this enzyme, Sildenafil citrate increases the amount of cyclic GMP and thus improves erection. 

The main advantage of Sildenafil and other PDE5 inhibitors is that is works only in presence of sexual stimulation meaning that it resembles the natural mechanism of erection.


Posted in: Health
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