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by on February 25, 2022

Once you're in the "Hotkeys" menu, navigate to the lower part of Lost Ark Boosting the menu named "Basic Controls." If you take a look at the top, you'll see two red boxes with an icon for the mouse inside of them. Additionally, you'll see an icon for a lock next to the boxes, which means they're not able to be modified.

But even though your mouse controls are locked, do not fret; you'll have the option to go over your settings and you'll see an option "Attack with Right-click" a few boxes down. It is possible to toggle this box either on or off depending on which mouse button is more comfortable to work with.

If you select the "Attack with right-click" option is enabled you'll be able to be able to move, interact and interact with items by using your left mouse. If it's disabled, you'll instead use left-click to attack and right-click to do everything else.

After attracting over 500,000 concurrent users for yesterday's launch of headstart, Lost Ark (our review here) currently has two new servers to help add capacity. With robust demand for the paid-for headstart feature, as well as certain of the normal issue of queues that new MMOs face, there should be a bit more availability for those wanting to join to. Anyone who is interested in playing is able to purchase a membership pack to play before the end of Friday, but demand could remain high.

The head start is open to customers who have purchased any tier of Founder's Pack, so the numbers could be merely an indication of what to expect from the official launch on Friday. For now, though, Amazon has decided to create a brand new server, Karmine to buy Lost Ark Gold serve NA East as well as another server, Akkan which is for NA West. The official announcement regarding the new servers comes with a assurance that they will monitor the conditions.

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