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by on February 26, 2022

If I'm to choose between Dragon Dagger & Dragon Scimitar as an offhand weapon, how can I tell what to choose OSRS Gold? The reason I'm asking is because having checked Runescape Wiki, it says that both the Dagger & Scimitar come with the same damage (576) and Accuracy (1132). It's up to choosing which you prefer the look of, or different? I was noticing it was the Dagger is actually cheaper though, so I was thinking about why you'd pick the Dagger over the Scimitar.

I'm aware that I have asked numerous questions, but I'm back! I've recently leveled up to 70 defence; basically, my goal is to raise the three melee abilities to 70, and then 75 before taking breaks. Att as well as Def are at 70 right now while Str is at 65.

As I'm now at 70Def There are many options to choose from when it comes armour. In particular, I'm thinking of changing the body armour I wear. Right now, I'm wearing an Granite Body and in all truth, I'm not an admirer of it, however, it does get the job done I guess. What I'm really asking is Barrows armour worth it just to train? I'm not the richest (currently have just 1.2m) and it seems an unnecessary waste to me to keep fixing it even when I'm not doing have a PK or something similar to that.

Would you stick with Do you prefer a Granite Body, or is there a different option that I'm even sure of? Is it worth investing to get Verac's Brassard, for example Buy RS3 Gold? Barrow's armor is quite good and it is likely to weigh less than granite and includes pretty decent prayer benefits (not necessary).

Posted in: Entertainment
Topics: rsorder rs gold
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