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by on March 2, 2022

What has the impact of inflation been? How hard is the moneymaking process starting from OSRS Gold beginning to finish? The introduction of a stricter tier system has really changed prices. In the past, the "good" slayer gear included Bandos or a whip. Then there was dragon defender. Now, if you own any of those and you're not considered a pro.

This has a few advantages: many items are dirt cheap right now. If you don't have chaotics (I have a feeling that you wrote the Dungeoneering guides and I'll keep it in mind) then you can get a light staff, abyssal whip and hand cannon are all tier 70-75 weapons that are under 90k.

Since the introduction of the grand exchange, items can be exchanged for cash easily, and could effectively be considered to be the exact same thing. For instance, suppose that (hypothetically) you require 100k cannonballs to slay and can pay for 200k in 250 grams each. If you invest 25000k 100k cannonballs that rise to 300gp , you'll be left with 30000k which you can convert to cash or use. If the cannonballs drop to 200gp instead that means you'll have 20000k that you could transform into cash or utilize.

Doubling the investment is simply doubling your return, no matter if it's either positive or negative. If you are convinced that cannonballs are going to increase, put all the money you want into them: the more you invest can be, the better the chance to profit on whatever you don't get to use. If you purchase smaller quantities of cannonballs than are needed and they do rise, you'll be required to purchase the remainder at a cost higher.

If you believe that cannonballs will rise, then invest in them regardless of how many you anticipate you'll need in order to kill. If you're not sure whether they will or will not rise or not, you should keep your cash as cash and Cheap RuneScape Goldthen purchase cannonballs at a time instead of buying up.

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