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Lost Ark has quickly risen to become one of the most popular massively multiplayer online role-playing games in the world, breaking sales records on Steam within a day of the game's free-to-play version being made available. Lost Ark is an isometric Korean MMO that looks fantastic and has the potential to keep you occupied for hours at a time. There are five main classes to choose from at the beginning of the game, and each has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. In this guide, lost ark gold've ranked each of the classes in order of how well they perform to how poorly they perform. Make sure to collect all of the stray Mokoko Seeds in Prideholm with the help of our guides once you've gotten your game going.
Warrior is a masculine pronoun that means "fighter."
The Warrior appears to be an extremely straightforward and obvious choice – almost too obvious, in fact. The fact of the matter is that the Warrior class has a high health pool, a high damage output, and a high defense, and that it can be converted into either a dedicated tank or a dedicated DPS class later on. In this game, the Berserker class can deal a ridiculous amount of damage, whereas the Paladin class has a few healing and team-assistance spells up their sleeves. The Gunlancer is the third and, for the time being, final Warrior advanced class. This class focuses solely on DPS, but has the advantage of having a little more range.
All of these options are extremely strong, making the Warrior the best starting class in the game because it allows you to easily fill the role you desire while also surviving a little longer in the tougher fights that you will encounter.
Fighter who uses martial arts techniques
You might guess from the name that the Martial Artist class specializes in dealing massive amounts of physical damage. Even if you are looking for other roles in the late game, you should not overlook this group of people. A total of four separate advanced classes are available in the Martial Artist class, each with their own specializations. The Striker class specializes in dealing quick damage, whereas the Scrapper class specializes in dealing slower, heavier damage. The Soulfist class incorporates more ranged attacks and restorative spells into its game plan, whereas the Wardancer class is more concerned with buffing yourself and your party members.
A wide range of advanced classes make the Martial Artist class an excellent starting point for any aspiring DPS player, and with the advanced classes, you have the option to completely change your game plan. Buy Cheap Lost Ark Gold enjoy having options, and you should as well. The Martial Artist is the second-best starting class in terms of overall quality.
Sergeant Major (Gunner)
The Gunner is a great starting point for ranged fighters, as it has four advanced class options in addition to the Gunner. Gunners specialize in mid-range combat, with a limited number of options for AoE attacks and the ability to move quickly to avoid enemy fire. All of the Gunner's advanced classes do their best work with DPS, though in slightly different ways than one another. The Gunslinger and Deadeye classes are known for their lightning-fast attacks, and they are capable of firing a variety of weapons in rapid succession. The Artillerist, on the other hand, will drastically slow things down, exchanging that speed for slow moves that can deal massive AoE damage to large groups of enemies or devastating single-target damage to single enemies. Because they use bows as their primary weapon rather than firearms, the Sharpshooter is the most distinctive of the group. The Sharpshooter has excellent range and mobility, and he can recover quickly if he is caught in a tight situation.
The Gunner is an excellent choice for players who want to focus on DPS because of the variety of advanced classes available.
Mage is a term used to describe a person who has a magical ability.
At the moment, the Mage has only two advanced classes, with the Summoner class from last year's beta being completely absent. Instead, Buy Cheap Lost Ark Gold have only two options: Bard and Sorceress, both of which are excellent choices. As you can probably guess, the Mage employs spells to attack enemies at a distance, while sacrificing defensive strength in the process. When playing in a group, the advanced Bard class does an excellent job of boosting your team's overall power, and the Sorceress is the obvious choice for anyone who wants to keep the strong ranged DPS potential of the Mage class.
While wait for more long-term options for the Mage class, it will have to settle in at the bottom of our list for a while.
A Assassin is someone who assassinates people.
Another class with only two advanced class options, as well as some options that are fairly limited. Make no mistake about it: the Assassin class is clearly designed for damage output, so it's only natural that the advanced classes continue in that vein. However, it's a shame that you don't have a few more options available to you. Fortunately, the Shadowhunter class is extremely visually appealing as you summon massive attacks in the style of Bayonetta, whereas the Deathblade class specializes in raw speed and strength.
These advanced classes are both extremely cool, but they are not the definitive DPS builds, which is a shame. Sorry, Assassin, but you've fallen to the bottom of our Lost Ark starter class rankings as a result of this.
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