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lang aaaa
by on May 21, 2021

The purposes ofcosplaying can vary, but include the expression of adoration of the character,enjoying attention or approval from audiences/peers, andexperiencing the creativeprocess of the costume construction. Therefore, cosplay can extend to clothingdesign, fabrication, make-up, prop making, and other skills involved in creatingcostumes.Spider Man Costume      Based on the paucity of research on cosplay, we wanted to learn more about cosplayers – their demographic information, how often they cosplay, the amount of time and money they devote to preparing for cosplaying, as well as their psychological motivations and experiences.Fan cosplay costume imitates entertainer or celebrity.CCosplay       Game cosplay costume represent character of internet on-line Same. Movie cosplay costume is more realistic than animation or game Character as that imitate moviestar. Character cosplay costume is used by commerce purpose brand or event. Characteristics that appeared commonly in types of cosplay costume are as following.

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