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by on March 21, 2022

Fildena 100 is a kind of Viagra that is available only through the pharmacies of prescription. Viagra is part of the family of hormones known as sex hormones. Sildenafil, a male hormone is employed as an ingredient in this kind of medication. Viagra 100 pills are typically prescribed for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction is an illness in which males are unable to maintain an adequate and firm erection with their partner during sexual relations.

Viagra is introduced into the body via tablets. The tablet contains sildenafil which is the active component. Fildena 100 is free of any other ingredient that could cause negative side effects such as fatigue or dizziness. Sildenafil is typically taken twice or three times daily in conjunction with meals. It is important to consult with your doctor prior to taking any medication containing sildenafil because this medicine could cause serious side effects such as headaches, eye problems, and loss of vision in certain individuals.

Fildena 100 tablets can produce small side effects such as irritation or itching in the vaginal or mouth area. If you notice any sort of irritations in these areas you must stop taking the medicine right away. You can overcome this issue by stopping the medicine after a couple of days. Ejaculation, erection, and the performance of the penis can be affected by fildena tablets. Some men experience an increased sexual desire and harder erections, while others are unable to sexual desire or performance. These effects may disappear completely without warning several weeks after starting fildena medicine.

The dosage recommended for this medication is one tablet per day. The quantity of the components in fildena can vary depending on the manufacturer. A tablet of this medicine is thirty milligrams. Each tablet includes forty milligrams of L-ascorbic acid. The tablet also includes 1200 milligrams of sildenafil citrate one hundred of sildenafil citrate, 20 milligrams of sildenafil sulfate, and ten milligrams of sildenafil benserale.

Additional Solution:

Fildena 50

Fildena 150

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