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by on March 22, 2022

Dramen - Heals 69 energy over 26 seconds. The bed could be constructed from magical Dramen wood RuneScape Gold 2007. The bed might have spirit trees (Level 12-56) near you when you wake up. If you defeat them you can get Dramen leaves, used to create Dramen Pillows!

Swaying-Use Swaying to gain 79 energy over 27 seconds-65 construction-These beds are in reality a hammock in that you must bring the Swaying logs to a worker at the digsite, and he'll transform it into a swaying hammock! You will need real palm trees so that you can hang them however, and occasionally the palm trees may overhang you when you sleep.

Hollow-Heals energy of 84 over 28 seconds to 70 construction. These beds can occasionally fall over, but when they do, you'll fall into them for only a brief period of time and receive certain "under-the-bed items.

Dream: Heals 96 energy over 29 seconds - 75 construction. This Bed lets you to go into an alternate world which allows you to cut more Dream trees and allowing you to collect Dream Runes (Used in Dream Magic, explained later).

Standard pillow- Collect 15 feathers. utilize them with a pillow case (bought at any department store), and use an needle and thread to finish it off Cheap RS Gold! This will give you five more hours of energy during sleep!

Posted in: Entertainment
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