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Seth Morris
by on March 27, 2022

To give examples of something, exemplification is a way to simplify it. An exemplification essay is a way to give many examples that support a generalization. Examples are used to support or clarify the generalization in this type of essay.

Choose an exemplification essay topic. What generalization would you like to illustrate? You will most likely already have some generalizations on a topic so that you can build your essay. You will need to choose a topic you are comfortable supporting with examples if you choose your topic.

Define a purpose. Which angle of the generalization are you trying to communicate to the reader? Clear purpose will help guide you in choosing examples and writing your thesis.

Consider your audience. What do members of your audience think about the generalization you are discussing?

List all examples that are related to your generalization. List all possible examples. Later, you will narrow down your list. Anecdotes, facts and statistics are all acceptable.

Select examples that you find relevant for your purpose from the following list. You should ensure that the generalization is supported by all the examples. You don't want to pick ones that are contrary to your purpose.

Make a thesis statement. Your thesis statement should describe the generalization you are demonstrating and include examples to support it.

Your introduction should let your reader know what to expect and state the thesis.

Create a body that supports your thesis. The body should support the generalization. The thesis should be the focus of each paragraph.

Your examples should be arranged logically. If you have many examples, it may be helpful to classify them in order to avoid confusing your reader.

Transition words and phrases can be used to guide the reader through your essay.

The conclusion should summarize the main points of the essay and reiterate the thesis. Make sure you make your readers' expectations clear in the conclusion.


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Posted in: Education, Society
Topics: education
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