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by on May 31, 2021

Type of like the box on Runescape HD, you can easily click on this (maybe create a box just like Guild Wars did?) They had a terrific idea with their chat and movement system. The present movement process is actually really annoying me, it is kind of weird how my characters go OSRS gold, and that I noticed it ever since I started Runescape years back. Jagex should be doing anything that would improve the game without really changing the regular. They should work something out.

I think that we should have a skill chart like we do battle maybe you start up a graph on your ability menu that says. This would help tell you what you buy for bonuses in your skill. Perhaps they could even throw in a few things like Fishing hat +4 fishing. Who Knows? Oh and im not asking right now whenever they had time could be great.

Well I actually think that Jagex should just add a mounting skill already. You'd start mounting by completing a little quest that would be found at a stable. Each mount would be fit into one of two categories. Transport, Runs or walks quicker then waht you can run/walk. Fight, the mount could struggle for you and offer you extra bonusses.

You'd begin riding a mule then maybe level 15 or something you could ride a normal horse. These are only two examples. Here are some other examples that would be cool. Terrorbird. You can train his skill by fighitng using the steed or coaching at the stables. To acquire a steed you must buy it like a baby then you may have to lift it in the stable. You will also get exp from taking good care and increasing and mature mount. To keep a bracket in a secure area you may have to pay a stable worker to maintain in in a secure or if you have a particular construction level you cna build your own secure.

In varrok, from the general shop, there could be an additional icon using a sword with a yellow blade. There would be a genaric guy named smith. Oh, hey, I'm considering making my life here, so I plan to bring some of my own hometowns smithing skills buy old school rs gold. Oh, what would this be? That might be smithing custom made weapons. I really could make armor too, but costs extra. How much? Approximately two hundred for each stat within their weapon, and 20000 for a speical.

Posted in: Family & Home, Health
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