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by on April 5, 2022

Many mechanics are Elden Ring Runes  consistent across FromSoftware's many Soulsborne games, one of them being the ability to hold one-handed weapons using two hands to vary the combat style. This mechanic is present in the latest RPG from the studio, Elden Ring. Although two-handing is available within Elden Ring, it works differently than previous Souls games. Here, we'll show you how to two-hand weapons and look at the situations where it will best benefit you In FromSoftware's latest game.

Why you should two-hand weapons in the Elden Ring

Two-hand weapons can truly change the course of an battle. This is because two-handing a melee weapon grants you extra damage and a variety of attacks. When you are two-handing a melee weapon allows you to use R1 (RB) and R2 (RT), and L2 (LT) in order to strike as well as L1 (LB) is used to block (though it's not as effective as using a shield).

Speaking of shields, you are not able to use your shield when two-handing a weapon in Elden Ring. This keeps things balanced since it is more damaging to use both hands on the weapon. Two-handing can make you more nimble on your feet since you won't be carrying two heavy armaments at the same time (assuming you're using an armor or shield at the same time).

If you are sneaking around, we strongly recommend that you two-hand your weapon because your shield is a non-factor when it comes to these types of situations. Furthermore, there are certain boss fights that are more manageable when you use two hands on a weapon, especially when you learn how to deflect attacks instead of blocking with your shield. Below is a video demonstrating how much damage can be done while two-handing the Dismounter greatsword. Initial attack is damage to 275.

Here's a video that shows the weapon in action, however it's two-handed instead. As you can see, you're more efficient when two-handing, dealing 304 damage. It's not a huge difference though, and if you're wearing a shield, you might as well take on more damage. Two-hand weapons aren't the only option, though. Certain encounters require the use of a shield or a parry counter, whereas others are difficult to maneuver through. Just experiment and see what works best for any particular enemy. For instance, The Red Wolf of Radagon boss can be completed without using any shield that's why you should use two hands during that battle.

How do two-hand weapons be used in Elden Ring

If you've understood why you need to utilize two hands, let's go over how to do it in Elden Ring. In past Souls games, you had to press the Triangle (Y) button while holding a particular melee weapon in order to use both hands. For Elden Ring, it's a little different.

Instead, press the Triangle (Y) switch, and then press L1 (RB) (RB) and L1 (LB) to switch between the two sides. For instance, if the primary weapon of melee can be found in your right, press R1 while holding Triangle and you'll two-hand that weapon. If the weapon is in your left hand, do similar, however, press L1 instead. The majority of players have their shield in their left hand and their primary melee weapon in their right hand, though. Make sure you don't double-hand your shield while fighting since it will not get you anywhere.

Weapons that are ranged, such as catalysts or bows do not Elden Ring Items for sale  cause additional harm when used two-handed, however you might still want to utilize this method as you'll move faster with only one weapon at your disposal.

Posted in: Health, Sports
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