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by on April 6, 2022


Here's a dunk guide to help  Nba 2k22 Mt you learn about the rules of the game, how you can control it as well as tips for finishing with authority in the paint during NBA 2K22. There are two ways to hit the dunk in NBA 2K22 - pressing the shoot button, or pointing the right stick towards the rim - both while holding an accelerator trigger.

The console you are using, pressing your square-shaped button on PS5 or X for Xbox users , while holding the RT or R2 trigger depending on the console, lets the player shoot for an e-dunk. You can also use the right stick to the hoop and hold the RT or R2 trigger to shoot a dunk, if you prefer that.

The dunk meter featured in NBA 2K22 is a new feature in the game. It's similar to the shot counter in that you must time your layup or dunk the green box of a player. Timing is the key to Dunks in NBA 2K22 due to the fact that every finish requires the shot meter, regardless of layup, dunk, or alley-oop.

Green box size can be different. A higher dunk  cheap 2k22 mt rating as well as the positioning of a player will increase the chances of succeeding in the move. Should an opponent be blocking the paint, it will likely result in a difficult finish. Particularties and characteristics like Lob City Finisher or Fearless Finisher provide players with a unique boost when trying finish dunks that are close to the rim.

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