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Dr Apurva Tiwari
by on April 23, 2022

Do you know that happiness is a choice? Yes, you can choose to be happy or unhappy in your life. Happiness is the state of mind where you feel content and satisfied with everything in life. There is no limit to the amount of happiness you can achieve and enjoy.

Many people around us have problems and struggles in their lives, but they don’t allow themselves to express those feelings. They hide their feelings and try to be positive and happy.

As a psychiatrist in Indore, I don’t want to suggest that you should be negative or sad in life. No, you must be positive and happy to live a good and successful life. Here are 7 tips to be happy and you will be happy too.

Get rid of Negative thoughts

The first and most important step is to get rid of negative thoughts and emotions. If you have negative thoughts about anything, then you will never be able to be happy in life. If you start thinking like that, then it will not be possible for you to get a good and positive attitude.

Start to think that you are blessed with a great life and a happy family. You should be grateful and thankful to God for giving you a wonderful life.

Make your own goals

A happy and successful life is achieved when you create your own goals in life. Make sure that you have a goal which is in line with your personality. If you have a goal, then you will be able to follow that and you will be able to succeed in achieving that goal.

Start to think about the things you want to achieve in your life. What will you do if you succeed in achieving this goal? What will be your reaction if you fail in achieving this goal?

Stop blaming others

If you blame someone for any reason then you will never be able to get a good and positive attitude. Stop blaming others and be responsible for your own life. If you are not capable enough to take care of your life then why you are expecting others to take care of you?

Learn to control your anger

Anger is a very common thing in today’s world. Anger is the feeling of frustration, irritation, and annoyance which may cause harm to you and others. It is necessary to learn to control your anger and avoid getting angry.

As a psychiatrist in Indore, I can help you learn to deal with your anger and get rid of it from your life.

Take care of your health

It is not possible to live a happy and successful life when you are not healthy. Take care of your health, eat healthy food, and keep yourself hydrated. If you are not taking care of your health, then you will never be able to lead a happy and successful life.


These are the simple tips that you should try in your life. Try to follow these tips and you will be able to live a happy and successful life.

Posted in: Health
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