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by on May 7, 2022

Wouldn’t it be mind-blowing if every single person who was searching for knowledge about Mental Health In The Workplace Schemes found out what they were seeking?

Workplaces can distribute materials, such as brochures, fliers, and videos, to all employees about the signs and symptoms of poor mental health and opportunities for treatment. To create a sense of community and belonging, managers need to build opportunities for engaging with each other in the workday. Authentic, transparent, two-way communication should be a pillar in your employee engagement strategy. This way, your employees feel they are valued contributors in the organization’s journey. As companies continue navigating the hybrid workforce and looking for ways to combat burnout and fatigue, managing and supporting mental health at work has become a top priority for an increasing number of companies. The UK has made significant progress in opening up conversations around mental health and wellbeing and in attempting to reduce the stigma it invokes. However, this progress appears to be occurring at a slower rate in the workplace, compared to conversations occurring in public spaces more generally. Now more than ever, employers should prioritize proactive and preventive workplace mental health training for leaders, managers, and individual contributors There’s a role for employers in providing education and support programs to employees. But a one-size-fits-all approach won’t work across diverse workforces. Instead organizations must customize their emotional and mental wellbeing programs based on what they’re experiencing, says Pronk.

Mental Health In The Workplace Schemes

It’s no secret that employees are burned out and stressed. Additionally, a staggering number are resigning from their jobs due to companies not knowing how to support mental health at work effectively. According to research by Gallup, negative emotions set new records, with experiences of worry, stress, sadness and anger on the rise. As the workplace and the workforce changes, so there is the need to do analysis to keep abreast of the implications of those changes, especially among small and medium-sized enterprises, the self-employed and those working in the gig economy. Because poor mental health is likely to be a ‘hidden’ disability and many people are reluctant to disclose a condition, it is good practice for an employer to make adjustments for someone experiencing poor mental health even if they do not necessarily consider they have a disability under the Equality Act. The call to find a better way of working isn’t new. The internet is brimming with prescriptions for building a "happy" workplace. An opinion on how to manage an employee with anxiety is undoubtebly to be had in every workplace in the country.

Open And Supportive Workplaces Benefit Everyone

Promoting and supporting employee wellbeing is at the heart of our purpose to champion better work and working lives because an effective workplace wellbeing programme can deliver mutual benefit to people, organisations, economies and communities. Normalizing topics around employee mental health in the workplace, and being able to identify and assess burnout risk, make it easier for employees to get the organizational support they need before reaching a crisis point. We all work better if we have clear goals that we are working towards, and mental health in the workplace is no different. Identify the key drivers for mental health, and the key indicators; figure out how to measure these and what level the company should achieve; and ensure these are an integral part of your company’s performance targets. One of the single biggest factors that predict success is a stable desire to work. And critically, one of the challenges with our benefits system is that it forces or compels people to work, and through that, they’re not necessarily able to form a stable desire to work - resulting in mental health issues in many cases. As employers embrace employee wellbeing, it’s critical that they include the mental and emotional health piece in their efforts. As with other aspects of wellbeing, the focus of employers’ efforts should be to move from reactive to preventive. Subjects such as managing employees with mental health issues can be tackled by getting the appropriate support in place.

Express your appreciation with kind words when your people work hard, even if the results aren’t quite what you expected. Thank them for their effort and dedication before you refocus your energy on what went wrong and how to fix it moving forward. Employees with mental health conditions can be supported to be productive at work by considering the inherent requirements of the job, individual skills, capability and personal circumstances and making reasonable adjustments to support people to perform the role. Spotting and addressing early signs of an issue can prevent it escalating. If employees raise an issue and managers are confident and capable of taking action, then early intervention is preferable. Although line managers should hopefully be able to spot the early signs of stress and mental health issues in their team members, employers should ensure there is someone who takes responsibility for line manages’ mental health and wellbeing too as this can be overlooked. Business leaders have a number of responsibilities and investments that they need to be conscious of each year. However, when it comes to investing in their employees’ health and well-being, studies have proven that this has a direct impact on the quality of their work, productivity, and focus. The prevalence of common mental health problems appears to have increased slightly over the last two decades9, with the biggest rises in anxiety and depression, particularly among younger women and older men. Many individuals do not get diagnosed and of those who have a diagnosed mental health condition, some choose not to disclose it because of the perceived stigma or fear of potential consequences. For employers not investing in wellbeing initiatives, employers duty of care mental health can be a difficult notion to comprehend.

Performance Pressure

Most people will go through times when they feel low, stressed or frightened and for most people, those feelings will pass. However, on some occasions they can develop into a more serious problem and it can happen to any one of us. Ignoring your mental health can lead to some serious health consequences. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), approximately one in five American adults (or 43.8 million) experience mental illness in a given year. This is a sobering statistic that should remind both employees and employers why it’s so important to prioritize mental wellbeing. Every organisation is different, however there are many steps, most of them free, that can improve mental health and wellbeing in the workplace. The key is to be adaptable, flexible, and experiment with different ideas until you find a tailored strategy that can evolve as your staff and organisation change too. One of the major stumbling blocks for many employees who are suffering from mental ill health is the stigma attached to admitting you are ill. It is an age-old problem and one that HR staff have to address. Creating mentally healthy workplaces delivers improved productivity, improves workforce participation and increases social inclusion. It is the core people management environment that is crucial here. Fostering more supportive, positive and engaging team environments increases resilience, enhances positive early intervention outcomes, and reduces the impact on individuals’ mental health. Thinking about concepts such as workplace wellbeing ideas is really helpful in a workplace environment.

Mental health is the area that has the most prevalent number of incidents reported and in a workforce of 50-100 people you will definitely have members of your team who would benefit from support. As a leader you need to get under the bonnet of what mental illness and what mental health is. You need to attend seminars and meetings and you need to get into it to understand it because how can you help somebody recover if you don’t give them the right support or understand it yourself? By developing mental health promotion programmes and policies, you can enhance the public reputation of your organisation. This can improve your business reputation amongst potential future recruits, and it may increase your chances of gaining public contracts. When working to set the tone of mental health being safe to discuss in a team, you must think about one core thing: trust. Trust is everything. Without trust, you can’t build anything else. Some questions that employers can ask about their mental health approach include: Does your organisation offer formal wellbeing support? Does your organisation provide stress management training to line managers? Does your organisation provide stress coaching to individuals? Once you’ve identified the main stressors in the workplace, make it a priority to address employee mental health in the workplace. If flexible hours or telecommuting will help people juggle work and life, get on it. If resources are an issue, staff up, contract out, add budget or shift gears to put some projects on hold. Discussing ideas such as workplace wellbeing support is good for the staff and the organisation as a whole.

Prioritize Emotional Wellness

Imagine if someone has clinical depression, is struggling with addiction, going through a rough patch in their life, or is just having a crap day and just needs to get mad and cry. Now, add pressure on top that they need to be positive and push through it. What does that do to a person? Certainly nothing good. It leads people to deal with any negative emotions quietly on their own, because they’re not part of the “positivity narrative”. Mental health promotion can also boost productivity and performance. A good working environment can help to increase morale, teamwork and communication. Staff turnover is lower and so are the associated costs of recruitment and training. To create healthy workplaces, we must encourage people to come forward and share their experiences. When employees feel that sharing about mental illnesses won’t damage their career, they will feel comfortable to share the challenges they face with you. Moreover, once they get the support from their leaders, they might also encourage their peers to come forward with the challenges they are facing and seek help. One can uncover further facts appertaining to Mental Health In The Workplace Schemes in this World Health Organisation article.

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