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by on May 13, 2022

The current season is one of the more Cheap NBA 2K MT stories in the series' the past, and the reason for this is that everything is about *you*. 2K21 was a great G League path where you met your teammates while you created your character and prepared in advance for the draft. In 2K22 there's no emotion-based connection to the team's draft.

Since all that seems to be relevant is building your personal brand. If you're the kind of person who genuinely gets excited over the number of fans you've accumulated each week 2K22 MyCareer could be suitable for you however for me, it felt like a pretty ineffective introduction to the year-long VC and badge-related grind.

I love the transformation of the city and think the new NPC's have brought an abundance of energy to what was, at best dull space. I'd like to be able to travel quickly to places that aren't my home occasionally however, it's now like a vibrant and lively space. This is something I don't think I've ever thought of before.

The 2K22 town is bigger than ever... And it's not always a good thing. It's as if they're trying to craft an MMO based on basketball. The game has daily challenges scattered across the city, you're always required to move from one place to another for an appointment.

All it does is distract from the core strength of  2K22 MT Buy 2K22's gameplay on the court. I don't really want to spend 45 seconds attempting to skate from my apartment to a store to make my appearance more attractive. I'll do it in the menu using a single button press so I can return to basketball.


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