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by on July 7, 2021

However, in BFA, everyone understood Azerite armor was crap in WOW TBC Classic Gold beta and blizzard said dont worry we've got fixes in store. In Beta shamans were dreadful and had several bugs and problems which weren't addressed. The first tier comes around and rather than them fixing shamans they state the initial patch Shamans will be repaired. So they made bug fixing shamans a material feature in the first significant patch in an effort to keep people subscribed or bring them back to the match.

I have and never will know why they keep shooting themselves in the foot like that. Would not expanding upon a system instead of scrapping it and doing anything else be better for them? They'd save time not having to plan a completely different system, and the majority of the time that the machine they are actually already using, they've only spent annually fixing. Why go through that cycle again instead of using the system.

Just as BFA was awful, the HoA wasn't a bad system when they secured it up and they could've easily done more with that moving into Shadowlands.

Why don't you just base it SW/ORG and enlarge upon it with every new xpac instead of going from Garrisons to Order Halls to this fucking boat to Covenants. Have a garrison type case in SW/ORG. Plan about it being used longer duration, new growth released and you can build the expansion special building that'll progress the narrative. Or the NPCs only show up to advance the story. Having it as instance in the big cities will fix the"everyone is in their own garrison" issue.

It is absurd that so much development time has spent on expansion specific substance. Island expeditions. Warfronts. Or when did they figure out that warfronts weren't going to function as planned. It turned out to be a major characteristic of the bfa expansion and imo was largely a dud of a characteristic. It is a huge waste of money to design a system which only lasts an expansion.

It is so difficult for me to get round the idea that blizz knows what they are doing when they implement a system. They place systems in half finished intentionally. Take a look at the legendaries in legion. Players were stating, making posts on official forums, so that the system they were applying for legendaries was dreadful and was only going to upset the participant base. Silence. It was put in as is and of course, people were upset. We had people in my guild who'd 3 legendaries at the start of EN. Some had two, most had 1, some had none whatsoever. Even people who had at least one didn't necessarily get what they wanted/needed. It required the entire growth for them to put the machine as it ought to have been from  cheap WOW Classic TBC Gold the start. They understand but for the interest of MAUs they include in fans and changes to systems to have people to stay or come back.

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