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by on May 28, 2022

Hookah charcoal is one of the most important components of a hookah setup, but it is also one of the most often neglected. Although it may appear that the sole purpose of coal is to heat the shisha, this is not the case.

Charcoal with a Quick Light
It takes only sixty seconds to completely light up, as its name suggests, and it is typically manufactured with chemical accelerants that help the burning process along. This type of lighter is very useful when you are away from home, such as when you are traveling or camping, or when you do not have access to an electric burner. Your experience of smoking a hookah will be significantly enhanced by the use of this shisha charcoal briquette machine, which was designed specifically by Oltenchina and is sold by that company. It lights pretty quickly, produces very little smoke or odor, and burns slowly and evenly in all directions. In addition to this, the Quick-Lite Charcoal will heighten the enjoyment you get from smoking your hookah.

One of the best hookah charcoals available, thanks to its premium quality, retaining technology, reduced exposure to potentially harmful chemicals, and user-friendliness.

Charcoal of the Charco-Lite variety
It is truly one of a kind when compared to the other hookah charcoals that are on the market today. It is difficult to make a mistake when using Charco-Lite Charcoal due to the unrivaled qualities that it possesses. These qualities include a quick and ergonomic heat flow, immediate burning, and an aromatic flavor. Oltenchina's Charco-Lite charcoal making machine supplier ushers in a new era in hookah smoking with its improved heat flow technology. This charcoal, which is marketed by Oltenchina, changes your experience in a way that is both natural and unobtrusive.

Coco-Zeal Coconut coal
The husk of the coconut tree is the source of the natural wood material that is used to make coconut coals. The natural coal known as Coco-Zeal Coconut coals, which are sold by Oltenchina, is the type of coal that hookah enthusiasts use the most frequently. To ensure a successful lighting, it is necessary to make use of a single-coil electric heater.

When using natural coal, a conventional charcoal burner for a hookah will not function properly. It takes about ten minutes for the item to completely light up and leave no ash behind in the traditional sense. People who like natural hookah flavors with just a little bit of a twist tend to gravitate toward the Coconut Coals as their preferred option. The fact that it does not have any additional flavor or color additives is the best part, which makes it environmentally friendly. In addition, it does not produce any odor, which increases the level of satisfaction you experience while smoking your hookah.

Charcoal for Hookahs Coming in a Wide Variety of Forms
When it comes to hookah charcoal, there is no "one size fits all" approach that can be taken. Consider the following assortment of forms:

It is possible that cubes are the most common type of hookah mist. Cubes have two equal horizontal sides and are extremely stable when being trimmed.

Apartments are comparable to cubes but have more of a horizontal pub feel to them. Apartments don't burn off as quickly as cubes and may be more suitable for extended hookah sessions.

Use this contour only when you are certain that it is made entirely of natural materials because it is the poster child for quick-lite charcoal. Circle: This contour is the poster child for quick-lite charcoal.

What are the coals used in a hookah made of?
In today's conversation, we will talk about the procedure that goes into the production of natural hookah coals as well as the components that go into the creation of coconut hookah coals. Natural coconut coals are a more environmentally friendly and efficient alternative to quick light coals. Because of their ease of use and high productivity, quick light coals were at one time the most commonly used type of charcoal. You could have a completely lit hookah coal in a matter of seconds with just the spark of a lighter. Moving forward in time to the year 2018, smokers of hookahs have become more conscientious about the substances they consume and the manner in which they do so. Because of their high benzene content and the unnatural, non-organic materials that are used in their production, quick lights are the cause of massive headaches and horrible sessions. This is something that we are all aware of by this point. There are times when taking the more complicated route is preferable. Today, natural hookah coals are the new and healthy way to go about smoking your hookah sessions... not that smoking itself is healthy, but we all try to keep smart health choices even for our vices. So, what exactly is the composition of natural hookah coals? Why are they more beneficial for our sessions, and how can we be sure that they are risk-free to use? Now that we have that out of the way, let's get into the nitty gritty of how natural organic hookah coals are actually made and produced.

Ingredients Made From Natural Charcoal
When we are making natural hookah charcoal, we frequently question whether or not the ingredients are truly organic or whether this is just an advertising ploy. The good news is that coconut charcoals are almost always composed entirely of organic materials. This is an important distinction. At Oxide Hookah, we only stock brands that we are confident in, like the Cocourth Hookah charcoal making machine supplier and the Titanium coals made by HookahJohn brands. Following is a list of the components that go into the manufacturing of these two brands of natural hookah coals, as well as the process that is used to shape and mold each individual cube for your hookah sessions.

Coconut Shell Water Starch Extract From Cassava Root Are the Primary Components Used in the Production of Natural Hookah Coals.
The Process of Making Coconut Charcoal
The production of millions of individual pieces of natural charcoal is a time-consuming and methodical process that requires a significant amount of patience. As was mentioned earlier, the production of functional coconut coals calls for the use of a single primary key ingredient: coconuts, of course. To remove the shell from between the husk and the coconut meat, the process of extracting coconut shell is carried out entirely by hand with the assistance of a small implement. After having the coconut shell extracted and cleaned, the shells of the coconut are then left to dry for days at a time in order to remove any and all moisture that may be contained within the shell. After being thoroughly inspected and allowed to air dry, the shells are then placed in barrels, where they are set ablaze and allowed to burn until they are completely charred. This makes it simple to break and crush the shells that are left over. The charred shells are then ground into a powder using a crusher, and the resulting ash is combined with water and an extract of cassava root starch. It is then thrown into an extruder machine to be molded and cut into the desired shape of liking for mass production after the ingredients have been mixed in together until a substance similar to playdough has been created. After being extruded, the molded coals are allowed to dry for some time before being baked in an oven to produce the final, hard product. After being cooled, the coals are then packaged and prepared for transport to their ultimate location.

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