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The Fitness Levels
by on June 10, 2022

Want to Lose Weight? Here is the Best Weight loss foods list for you, which will help you to lose weight rapidly. Follow this Weight Loss foods list and start losing that unwanted weight now.
Diet Plays an important role in changing or keeping you in shape. People think that dieting means quitting eating or eating less. But dieting means eating right. You don’t need to quit eating. You just need to quit eating bad and start eating the right.
So, to help you in eating right. The Fitness Levels found out the Best Fat Loss foods for you.

Best Weight Loss Foods for you:

1. Curd / Dahi

Curd is a fat-burning food and can help you to shed those unwanted kilos
It is high in calcium and protein. 
Calcium is important for bone health and, has been associated with metabolic processes that reduce fat collection and speed up fat loss.
Taking a high protein diet may reduce hunger by giving you a feeling of fullness and can also boost your metabolism which will help to lose weight.
Probiotics present in curd will help you to improve your digestion.
Take an Uncreamed/Low Fat Curd as it is low in calories. Even if you make curd by yourself, make it with a low fat / uncreamed milk.
If you want to use curd as a Weight Loss Food, then remember that it must be plain, fat-free, and unsweetened.

2. Orange

Orange is a great weight loss fruit. It is delicious and low in calories and has the highest amount of vitamin C among citrus fruits. Vitamin C improves your skin quality.
Many people get confused about whether to eat oranges or drink orange juice.
Well, if the goal is weight loss, then eating a whole orange is recommended because a cup of orange juice carries a lot more sugars than a medium-sized orange, and the entire orange contains more fibers than orange juice.

3. Spinach

You must have heard that spinach is good for your health, well that is absolutely true. It is one of the healthiest and best weight loss foods around.
Spinach is high in water and filled with nutrition. It is extremely low in calories, and eating low-calorie foods is what you need to shed that fat.
Spinach decreases the sugar level and is also known to lower blood pressure. Vitamins present in spinach also improve the health and quality of your skin and hair.
With so many benefits you must include spinach in your diet plan for weight loss.

To read more,
Visit: https://thefitnesslevels.com/weight-loss-foods/ ;

Posted in: Health
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