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James Smith
by on June 10, 2022

Viagra is a prescribed drug that one must visit an expert doctor to get. It is prescribed to treat one main reason, but it can happen in a variety of ways.


Viagra is available in a blue pill form and it can be taken orally. There is no injection available for this drug and it is not available in liquid form. The main goal of this medication is to aid men who have difficulties in maintaining or getting a sexual erection.


Viagra was originally designed to ease the symptoms of high blood pressure as well as to help with problems related to angina. In the course of clinical trials, participants who took the drug informed their doctors about the negative side consequences they were experiencing when they took Cenforce 150 red pill. The side effect was a prolonged and powerful sexual erection. The medication did not aid in its intended purpose. to do.


But, due to the adverse effects of the drug, researchers changed the purpose of the pill away from for angina and high blood pressure to men who were having trouble having an erection. It was effective. Viagra was accepted by the Food and Drug Administration for the use of this drug on the 27th of March, 1998. It was the first medication designed specifically to treat erectile dysfunction.


A significant part of the physiological procedure of an erection relies on the parasympathetic nerve system to release nitric Oxide in the penis' cavernosum. The nitric oxide is a binding agent that causes an increase in the levels of cyclic guanosine monophosphate, which results in a smoother cushion of muscle of the helicine arterial. It then causes an increase in blood flow to the penis, leading to an sexual erection. If a man is suffering from erectile dysfunction there is an issue with this process of erection within the body. Vigora 100 helps to make the process go smoothly.


If a person is taking Viagra is advised to begin with 25mg. Viagra is also called sildenafil. One should take anywhere from 25mg-100mg of Viagra but should not take more than once per day. One can feel the effects of the medication within 30 minutes to 4 hours after taking the medication.


A doctor might advise someone to begin at 50mg and gradually increase or decrease the dosage based on what will work for you. The pills aren't easy to reduce by half because of the tough coating that they have. One pill might not be enough for your needs, and you may need to talk with your physician for a dosage that is appropriate.


Viagra is a blue pill which has a diamond shape. The pill has the words "Pfizer' inscribed on one side and the VGR xx letters on the other. The letter xx is the amount of milligrams these pills contain, which could be 25 50, 100, or. The doctor will help you determine which dosage is best for you. Each pill is about 10 dollars per pill.


Vilitra is a prescription medication to men who are suffering from difficulties in keeping or getting an sexual erection. There are a variety of factors that trigger this.

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