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by on June 15, 2022


Green Machine - This badge gives  Nba 2k22 Mt the player wider window for getting Perfect or Excellent releases in the event that the player repeatedly hits excellent releases. Blinders - Shots taken by defenders who are closing from their peripheral view will receive a lesser penalty.

Posterizer - Increases the chance of landing in a dunk to the player's defender in NBA 2k22. Slithery Finisher - Enhances a player's ability to slide across the court and avoid contact during gathers and finishes on the rim.

Fearless Finisher - Strengthens the player's ability to take on contact and finish. It also reduces the amount of energy lost in contact layups. Fast Twitch - This badge cuts down on the amount of time a player has to finish a layup or dunk around the edge.

Quick First Step - Whenever shooting beyond triple threat or after having a size-up, players have access to quicker, and more efficient, launches. Dimer In the half-court area, passes from Dimers to open shooters yield an increase in shot rate.

Bail Out - The passing out of a jump shot or  cheap mt nba 2k22 layup produces fewer errant passes than normal. In addition, it assists in the passing out on double teams NBA 2k22. Bullet Passer : Increases the speed at which a player is able to get the ball out of their hands, and the speed of the pass.


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