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Dr Mitali Soni Loya
by on June 20, 2022

Everyone has heard the word ‘anxiety’ many times. But, I am sure most of you haven’t understood what it means. There is no definition of anxiety, but everyone has experienced it at least once in their life.

If you have a stressful situation in your life then you will feel anxious. But if you don’t have any idea about anxiety then you will not understand how stressful it can be.

So, it is time to understand what anxiety is. If you read this article then you will know the meaning of anxiety and its signs.

The main symptom of anxiety is a feeling of restlessness or tension. When you feel this feeling then you will start thinking of something that will make your tension increase.

Another main symptom of anxiety is a feeling of insecurity. This is the most common symptom of anxiety. You may feel that you are going to fail in your life and everything is going wrong.

Some people will have an increased heart rate, sweating, muscle tension, trembling, breathing difficulties etc.

If you have this kind of symptoms then it is time to see the best psychiatrist in Bhopal because you are suffering from anxiety disorder.

Now, I will tell you some tips that will help you to overcome anxiety.

1. Breathe deeply

Anxiety will make you tense, so you need to relax. Relaxing is the best way to get rid of anxiety.

First of all, you need to breathe deeply. Just put your hands below your stomach and relax your body. You will start feeling a relief from your muscles.

If you can’t take deep breaths then you can do it slowly.

2. Meditation

Meditation will help you to get a peaceful mind. It will make you forget about all the bad thoughts that are running in your mind.

Start meditating in the morning when you wake up. Close your eyes and just relax.

3. Visualize a happy scene

I am sure you have seen a movie where the main character is getting lost in his/her dreams and gets relaxed. It will make you feel relaxed too.

If you have this type of dreams then it will make you feel relaxed. So, you can also try it, says a psychiatrist that offer anxiety treatment in Bhopal.

4. Try to think about something good

We can’t live in the present and think about the future.

You will feel stress if you think about the future. You need to focus on the present and think about something good.

5. Think positive

Positive thinking will make you feel relaxed. You should never think negative thoughts.

If you are stressed, then you should think positive things. This will make you feel calm.

6. Laugh

Laughing will make you feel happy. So, you should laugh and make you smile.

7. Give a gift

Giving gifts to someone will make you feel relaxed. You can also give a gift to yourself.

If you like a particular perfume or a specific piece of jewelry, then you can buy it and wear it. It will make you feel relaxed and positive.

8. Sleep well

When you sleep well, then you will feel relaxed.


In this article, I have given you the list of eight tips that will help you to overcome anxiety. I hope you will try these tips and get relief from anxiety.

Posted in: Health
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