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by on August 4, 2021

Like the name, it is possible to WOW Classic TBC Gold argue they were totally incompetent, they wanted the boosted player time, or heck, maybe it is not black and white - they were okay knowing that their incompetence rewarded them, so they dragged their feet on addressing it until much more than a year after.

Apart from shitty decisions and systems... It functions, the game functions and contains a full world constructed already. That is a whole lot more than we could say about a lot of mmos already. For the most part there aren't any game breaking issues that prevent a massive section of the player base from playingwith.

Everyone put in 20k hours into the game feels tied to it and it has to get better. . Right? Those 20k hours were not for nothing. . Right?

I feel as the price of creating the mmo genre will be almost impossible to get into without prior foundation.

There's a couple of ones on the horizon with a theoretical unlimited budget such as fresh universe and ashes of invention but these mmos would need to be polished to perfection and radical to get people to remain on them and my hopes for buy WOW TBC Classic Gold these are not very significant.

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