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by on July 8, 2022

Erectile dysfunction (ED) condition in men is also known as impotence. The health condition can also affect the quality of life by lowering your satisfaction from the lovemaking session. Impotence issues can have numerous causes, which can be both psychological and physical which can be treated with Fildena XXX. ED from physical causes can be all fairly common in men as they shall age. Medications are available which can help in treating impotence for many men.


Prescription medicine enhances the level of nitric oxide in the blood. Nitric oxide is known to be a vasodilator, which means it makes the blood vessels widen that further helps in enhancing the blood flow in the penile region. Some of the common side effects of Erectile Diffusion medications are mentioned below:



Headaches are known to be the most common side effect that is associated with ED medications. The sudden change in blood flow from the enhanced levels of nitric oxide can lead to a condition like headaches.


This side effect is common with all forms of ED solutions, so switching brands shall not necessarily alleviate any of the symptoms. If you have headaches from your ED drug, talk to the doctor and prevent it.


Body Aches And Pains

Some people might have muscle aches and pains throughout the body while taking impotence-treating medications. Some of the other issues might have reported specific pain in their lower back. In case, you might have certain types of pain while consuming impotence treating medication, over-the-counter (OTC) pain medication shall help.


Digestive System Problems

Your impotence issue treating medication might lead to some uncomfortable digestive system side effects. The most common side effects can be indigestion and diarrhea.



An enhancement in nitric oxide can lead to medications becoming quite dizzy. The dizziness might be caused by ED medications which are generally mild. However, conditions like dizziness can lead to discomfort while performing daily activities.


In rare cases, dizziness from conditions like ED medications might have all led to fainting that can become a serious health condition. One much inform the doctor in case, you experience dizziness while consuming impotence treating medications.


Vision Changes

Common side effects of Erectile Diffusion medications can change the way you see things — like literally. They can temporarily alter eyesight and even might lead to blurry vision. Impotence treating medications are not recommended in the case, you might have had vision loss or a retinal disorder known as retinitis pigmentosa which can be also due to ED medication Fildena XXX.



Flushes like common side effects can all be attained for temporary periods of redness of the skin. Flushes can lead to development on the face and might also spread to parts of the body. Flushes can be mild, including blotchy skin, or severe, like rashes. Although the appearance might make you uncomfortable, flushes typically are not harmful.


Congestion And Runny Nose

Congestion or a condition like a runny or stuffy nose can be a common symptom of impotence treating medications. In most cases, such side effects might go away without performing any treatment. Talk to the doctor in case they might all persist.


The medicine Fildena XXX is a chewable medication that helps in overcoming repeated penile failure issues in men. This pill Fildena XXX does wonders on consumption in presence of complete sexual arousal.

Posted in: Health
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