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by on July 18, 2022

While the Lost Ark's Western launch might have been, Amazon and Smilegate are currently at war with an inexhaustible army of bots Lost Ark Gold.  Although millions were defeated, the game is still affected by them, causing massive queues , and disrupting the in-game economy. While in Korea, things seem to be in good shape and with Smilegate organizing it's LOA ON event (thanks mmoexp).

The most memorable part of the event was definitely the unveiling of the new Aeromancer class. It is named after the word "airmancer" and the class functions similar to an Airbender with an umbrella, as she delivers wind-based attack that has quite a range. Her style of fighting also includes area of effect attacks such as dash attacks, area of effect attacks, and even one that calls thunder and lightning. The Aeromancer will begin play the game on Korean servers on the 6th of July, but There was no announcement on the date when the class will start on servers in the west.

From someone who is able to use attacks based on wind to one who hears the wind making noises, Smilegate also announced that The Witcher 3 will collaborate with Lost Ark. Although the collaboration was announced but the developer did not elaborate on the nature of it. Maybe Geralt is going to appear in Arkesia with a plethora of strange creatures. Monster Hunter World introduced the White Wolf via a botched portal, so it shouldn't be too difficult to find a way.

No timeframe was set regarding an announcement date for the Lost Ark X Witcher 3 collaboration, however it is likely that it will arrive on Korean servers a while before it reaches the west.

In the case of the smaller changes for the smaller ones, the official Lost Ark subreddit has provided an outline of what all was announced. A few highlights include a feature to chat with your friends on different servers, an overhaul to the Tripod mechanics, and a bunch of ways to Cheap Lost Ark Gold welcome people who are new to playing the game.

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